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Memorial Service - coming out

Hi everyone,

So last weekend was the memorial service for my uncle who passed away in January - everyone was so spread out they delayed it to find a convenient time for as many people as possible. His passing was of course sad, but he was older and hadn't been in good health (mentally or physically) for quite some time.

The point of this entry is the fact that this is the first time I've seen many family members since I transitioned. About 10-12 people knew (the most direct of my relatives - my brother and sister and first cousins), but most of the rest didn't, so on top of being a sad occasion I had to basically "come out" at it - it was an interesting balance, obviously it's a funeral so it's not about me, but it's not like my transition is a subtle thing that nobody will notice if I don't mention it! And going as a guy was out of the question (one of my friends asked me after if I thought I would have been more or less comfortable if I had presented as a male for this - I told him I don't really know because I can't even imagine doing that - he liked that answer).

Anyway, the first issue was that the first group of people I saw were more distant relatives who didn't know about my transitioning, and it occurred to me that i hadn't thought about how to "introduce" myself. I introduced myself with my current name, but several times added "formerly _____" so that they would know who I am.

I didn't have any negative incidents - there may have been a couple of people who avoided interacting with me, but those who did were all perfectly friendly. One of my cousins (who knew already) commented towards the end about how much happier I seem (and that's at a funeral!)

So after a lot of stress leading up to it, it ended up being a good experience.




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Hello Christie


Sound like you had a good coming out and excited that the majority had a good reception and understanding that you are happier as the true you.  So no faking some person that makes you unhappy anymore.  Only allowing you to dress up as an alter ego on Halloween.


Enjoy the freedom of being yourself


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Good on you, girl. Good on you.


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Hiya Chrissy. Good on You Young Lady. Chrissy, You Can be Very Proud of Yourself, especially on such a Sad Occasion. To dress as a Male, would be completely Alien, to You or Me. I Am Very Proud that We are Friend's here on TGGuide, and You have done So Very Well with Your Transitioning. You Really are a Very Beautiful, Pretty, Young Lady. Chrissy, Speak Soon, Take Care, And My Very Best Wishes, Love Stephanie. xxxx 

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