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So, a bit of progress has finally been reached.

We came away from Nikki's doctors today with the awareness that diabetes might be rearing it's ugly head, that part is pretty unpleasant, but on a brighter note we also came away with a prescription for Zoloft to help with the biological part of the dysthymia.  FINALLY!  I hope this stuff works, I hope none of the potential bad side effects manifests, I just want Nikki to be better.  And, in a weird way, I am happy it took this long.  The doctor was thorough making sure she's giving him the right prescription for the right reasons.  That matters hugely, I just sound ungrateful because I was frustrated and it's hard to be on the outside watching someone else suffer and you can't help.  It really, really sucks. 

So today I"m pinning all my hope on this stuff, and maybe that's foolish, but it will or it won't work, doesn't hurt to be hopeful right now. 

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Dysthimia's longer name is Persistant Depressive Disorder.  It's a long term disorder that has both an emotional and a biological component, so both need to be (and are in this case) treated.  The biggest dangers are that it makes people vulnerable to bigger depressive episodes and normalizing the disorder and not realizing it IS a disorder and your quality of life has been sucked out and it's not just "how I am".  Apparently a lot of people normalize this and don't even realize they have a treatable emotional disorder, luckily Nikki hasn't forgotten what everything used to feel like and realized he has a problem and wants to get better. 

It's good to hear from someone whose used the mediation without any issues! 

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