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I want today to be a good day.

Today is 18 years since that first date.  I took the day off, and Nikki took Sunday off, and we're going to have a three day weekend together.  I want it to be awesome.  I want him to actually enjoy himself, and have a good time, and to reconnect about something fun instead of trying to manage all the things going on, just for a few days.  Here's hoping. 


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Happy anniversary of your first date. I wish you both have a great day, too! 

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Oh my turtles I am SO tired, but we had a blast at the zoo.  The animals were all really perked up by the reasonable weather (still not summer...want my summer) and entertaining, and now I am totally going to sit in this chair and wait for feeling to return to my feet.  LOL  And he surprised me with a plushie turtle when he went to buy us some of that awesome fudge. 

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I'm happy for you, that you had such a blast, and that your so pooped. That's a good thing. My wife and I met for a beer ( okay, I had two!) and, isn't it wonderful to feel good about each other? We did, and I can tell you did too. Best wishes to you both.


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It was really awesome, had some reconnection time, the day was beautiful, there was a funnel cake a la mode that we shared.  :)  We had a blast watching the wolves, they gave them giant ice cubes with fish frozen inside, and the wolves were trying to work the fish out.  Our zoo does a LOT of enrichment activities like that, you can catch them going on all over.  And of course they have a temporary exhibit of baby galapagos tortoises, so you know where I spent a chunk of time. :)

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