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What next

Good day all


I know that I am sometimes just questioning what is happening, but hey, seeing that I am still a young 36 years old that looks younger apparently then my 18 year old self, then how can I say no to being a questioning fiend.


I went in for the operation on Tuesday and to my perk, I wasn't treated as though I was a weird specimen of human trying to infiltrate an alien race.  Operation was done with the highest of professionalism and only afterwards I was asked about being transgender seeing that they only get to see trans persons in medical journals and not in the flesh.  Okay, as I said it's easier identifying as transgender seeing that I am intersex and that in itself is more confusing to explain to people including myself, who thought that it would make my life a little bit easier or more understanding to myself.  So transgender still goes on all forms, not for the fact that I can't explain both, but because of gender identity, and if there isn't an area where I need to explain, I just write female, or what do you girls right.  It always will end as female.


I don't know if it's actually going to be a bad visit tomorrow at the surgeon because I know how it feels to be the new kid on the block, and all I know is he isn't a bad surgeon neither does he use a bad stitch at all.  Got banged up the other night by the 2 year old, who decided to slam directly on the wound and down I went for a few minutes and all was well, just lucky, I decided that I needed to wear a sanitary towel just in case I was to bleed, and yeah the blood got caught by this awful piece of material that made my cunt (for lack of better wording) and wound area feel like this massive and fat area.


Okay, tomorrow I go for my check up and I hope that everything is better because I feel kind of different at the spot that I was cut into.


Ooooh, the weirdest thing I can say is, who comes out of a medically induced coma and check their hair, make it perfect before going down to recovery and asking for food.  That was me and hilarious as always.


Tomorrow is results day and check up, so let me go and say.


Cheers ladies and gentlemen.

Please keep your hands, mouth, feet and all valuables inside the brains, as we will have liftoff soon and meaning that nothing is safe to the rest as it will be said.

I bit thee fairwell only because I don't know what tomorrow holds, but I also grant the world permission to accept each other for who they are, because this fight for equality is gender old already, and I'm to sexy to have this fight continuously.


Love, lust and hugs



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Hiya Michele. It Is Great to hear from You Sweetheart. I hope that Your Check-Up and Result's, give You a Positive Answer, rather than a Negative One. Darling Girl, You mentioned about Your Gender. Darling, I understand precisely what Intersexed is. I have a Personal Friend who is Intersexed. Michele, You ARE Michele, and that is what is important. If Other People don't like it Honey, That is Their Problem. Sweetheart, You describe Your Body Part/Part's exactly how You want to Honey. I have looked at Your 6 latest Photo's. You have got some very cheeky look's on Your Pretty Face. Michele, the Photo with You and Your Friend, taken just hour's before Your surgery is Lovely. ( 2 Lovely Young Ladies together. ). Michele, You Know that You are in My thought's. I Wish You All The Very Best Wishes, for Your Check-Up and Result's. Take Care Sweetheart, and Big Hugs. Love Stephanie. xxxxxxxx 

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