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This week is kicking my butt.

Seriously, I'm getting next to nothing done.  *headdesk*  I need a cleaning buddy or something.  I just have zero motivation this week, even showering was a massive endeaver.  And, of course, I had a clumsy moment and forgot the dimensions of the shower when I dropped the soap and cracked my head but good on the wall.  The lovely headache I had for half the day so DID not help.  I honestly think I'm having some kind of episode, anxiety maybe?  I just have this...constant feeling of vulnerability and fear.  Everything is starting me this week.  Has anyone here had experience with anxiety attacks?  I've never had one without clear and understandable provocation (like in the aftermath of the robbery).   Is this that?  How long can it last?  A week?  A month?  Meh.  I just feel WEIRD. 

I need to at least figure out motivation.  I have a million things I want to do and just...haven't.  Today is just about over, can't fix today, will fight this tomorrow.  Good night all. 


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Hi Bree,

Most definitely, I do understand and share your feelings. I called my shrink today to have an urgent meeting tomorrow, as I'm also way in the danger zone. It sucks to feel this way. But I love your description of dropping the soap. That made me smile. I hope you're feeling better of course.


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Thank you, the headache has finally gone, and luckily the part of my head I decided to headbutt was in my hair so no visible bruises to scream "CLUMSY GIRL WHO CAN'T SHOWER WITHOUT A CHAPERONE HERE!" to the world.  I'm still all...weird inside, but it's calming down a little bit.  It's just this insane feeling that I'm vulnerable to some sort of attack and I can't find the hole in the defense wall or even a logical provocation to explain it.  It doesn't even make sense, as I've removed most of the actual unpleasant influences in my life.  Brains, who can understand them?

My new super awesome homemade from scratch (sorta, I admit I buy the cornbread crumbs instead of making bread and crumbling it, but close enough!) is going to debut Tday.  The family always brings dishes to each others on the holidays, and I"m really not sure why AJ and I do this, because I host one holiday and she the other and it just seems like a weird dance of traveling food, but whatever keeps the peace I suppose. 

My home organization project came to a screeching (but temporary) halt as my main work area is my dining room, and is currently stuffed to the gills with a stegosaurus in a santa hat, a polar bear in a scarf, and two snoopy sculptures.  Nikki go most of the string lights up yesterday, is going to finish them and get my light sculptures outside and set up today.  We're moving the sculpture things from the front yard to the side yard, last time we put them up some jerk kicked my polar bears head backwards.  Grr.  I love my polar bear thing, it's adorable and his head moves slowly back and forth.  My holiday stegosaurus is adorable too.   I will go full Negan from Walking Dead on anyone I find kicking their defenseless heads in. 

And I'm geared up for this years 'why do you celebrate christmas as an atheist' round of crazy.  Cuz it's a giant holiday in my culture that has as much meaning in the spirit of catching up wtih family, taking a break from the winter dreary, and submission to the fact that it's EVERYwhere so might as well have fun with the sparkly lights and presents as it has religious meaning for some.  Meh.  No, I"m not cranky today, why do you ask?  *smirks*  I miss my pool.

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