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A more positive outlook

After my last post, I have been trying to go out more and live my life as a woman and probably some of the most amazing things started to happen. First I started a video blog on youtube and I figured to myself that no one would watch it at all. To my shock and suprise I had a 100 people view it in the first two days. I almost jumped when I saw that. I've had a few people even subscribe to my channel so yay me. Its really started to make me feel better about myself.

Next I have been living most of my life as a woman. I went grocery shopping later on in the day and had a great time. I know your probably thinking that im nuts cuz no one has fun grocery shopping, but I did cuz I was dressed and no one was giving me funny looks or saying nasty things to me or anything like that. Later at the cash register the young man working the register looked at me and without missing a beat he ask "Is plastic ok ma'am?" there was no stutter or hesitation or anything in his voice, he didn't look uncomfortable or anything. He just acted like I was another woman shopping for food.

This whole experience has made me think that itll be a lot easier to transition than I thought. I just started my electrolysis and haven't even started hormones but yet people are still calling me miss and ma'am and I love it. Its really brought me out of a funk. The next thing I want to try to do is live an entire week as a female. Never changing out for any reason. I think the more I do that, the more confidence I will really begin to build in myself and really give me more of a drive to continue my transition.

The only hurdle I still see myself having is the money issue. I know everyone has issues with it and everyone else has loans, credit card debt, car payments, and everything else under the sun. Ive just been trying to figure out the best way to accumulate money while still paying for everything I need. I'm nervous that I won't have enough money when it comes to my doctors appointment in august or not have enough money for hormones. I know I can keep my job for almost a year after starting hormones, unless I am a rare case where my breasts grow at a rediculous rate. I think that while waiting for my body to develope a female form, I can grow my hair to my desired length.

Anyways thanks for reading my blog, I'll post something else fairly soon. I am working on two books at the moment. Maybe that would be a way to really get some money coming in. The first is a teenage love story about a boy and girl (boy kinda based on how i was growing up sans the gid) and the other book is a biography on me and my transitioning experience.



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You can obviously spend a lot of money through all of this for the rest of your life so we all need to get the crash course in being thrifty yet practical. I am amazed at how many outfits, shoes and fashion jewelry I was able to purchase at the local Good Will, Salvation Army, and Discount stores. What I have been doing is going through the mall first and getting an idea of what I like and what looks good, the mall also helps me see what is currently in fashion. Sometimes there are items on clearance in these stores which are lower than I could by anywhere. If you can manage to give yourself a special budget for something really special, allow yourself to buy one very nice professional outfit that you absolutely love and that really fits you perfectly, also this outfit needs to be within the budget you set for yourself. I feel so much more confident now that I have found items that really fit and really look good. In My two day shopping trip to madison I spent 200.00 dollars on clothes shoes and jewelry but I filled my wardrobe with clothes I absolutely love. With the combination of outfits that I can wear by mixing these clothes I must have about 40 items made up of tops, skirts, skorts, slacks, accessories, earrings, a few dresses, long skirt, tank tops, blouse, etc. Absolutely try everything on in the dressing room, it is extremely depressing to get home and realize that the clothes really don't fit right. You must learn to put back any clothes that don't fit no matter how much you like them and learn to see in the mirror as others will see you, because it helps to look professional as well as natural. If you are the Tiffany that lives in Madison, I was shopping at the stores off HWY 51 at the edge of Town. Glad your feeling better.


Guest Antoinette


Dear all,

I still have the problem to go into a shop as a male looking person and fit the closings I like in a womans shop.

I normaly go in to a shop where male and female closings are and select then 1 item male to try and 1 or 2 items I like as female.

But it is not always working if it is not fitting to go back and ask for a bigger size on the female closing.

The bra's and slips are no proble I know I have a 38B bra and this is always ok if it is the more prising bra's the cheap ones are often the problem.

So now most femally members know about my MtF it is not a problem to help me with shopping. But still it is a problem with fitting in a shop. I'm still a to much male looking type.

How are you doing this?


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