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Scary wind.



It's shaking the house, and the fence was just at a really odd angle to the ground.  ti's a six foot wooden privacy fence, not a little flimsy decorative fence I mean.  I'm glad we had the roof finished last year from the windstorm that tore it up and made it look like someone ran a giant sander over it, because I think chunks would be gone tonight and smacking the neighbors house.  Don't like the neighbors, but I still don't want their home to get hit by my roof chunks.  

One year I got hit in the head with a flying green plastic turtle shell, you know the little tykes turtle shaped sandboxes?  We were coming home from class and in the couryard of the apartments and the wind just lifted the shell top right off it and winged me.  At the time it sorta hurt, but in restrospect now it's sorta funny when I think about it.  Nikki called that sandbox Angry Gamera the rest of the time we lived there.  And the big tree in the back field had cracked, and it was a sort of nearly spherical shape after it broke off the trunk, and I remember another day watching it roll around on the ice like the worlds biggest tumbleweed.   And what had to be a really inexperienced plow driver was trying to plow UP the angle of the small lane back there instead of down from bigger road to the next bigger road, and got royally stuck because of all the ice and the angle, and the tumbleweed hit his plow truck.  It was a weird night.

Its funny that moments you haven't thought about ever get called back without warning with the right stimuli.  Thank goodness neighbors on the other side landlord was finally forced to fix the chimney, or I'd be really worried right now.


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Curl up in a comforter with Nikki, have a flashlight handy nearby, and enjoy the ride. I have been in hurricanes, blizzards, and monsoons, and fortunately have never been hurt. There is something so awesome about experiencing such majesty. isn't there? I know it's spooky and all and I don't mean to minimize any realistic concerns you have, and I wish you and your family the very best. 

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I'm not sleeping with Nikki tonight, last night I had such an awful time trying to sleep waking up from the coughing, which is dramatically lessened by sitting up, that I think i"m hitting up ye olde recliner soon with my cozy microfiber snuggle blankets.  And probably the dog, I don't feel like dragging my lazy butt upstairs to crate her, look at my bed, and slink back down.  And he's geting up for work in a half hour.  LOL  The wind has finally died down and I didn't hear any really worrisome noises other than my cat jumping headfirst into the wall for some inexplicable reason known only to him, and possibly the wall.  Honest Bree, I do NOT have the laser pointer in my hand, I"m not even sure what I did with it and did not encourage that moment of feline misadventure.  I'll check the roof tomorrow to make sure though, my aunt assures me that is what you do in Ohio after every storm, gotta check that roof! 

My native sleep pattern is working out nicely though, most of the time I'm still up to say hi to him when he gets up, then I sleep during the day while he's at work, and am awake and happy to do whatever during the hometime, then the boring houseework while Nikki sleeps.  It's a good system.

At least I'm coherent and not on that weird Nyquil thing like last night, that's a plus.

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