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4th July


First of all Happy Independence Day to all Transgender people in the USA. Have a great day all of you. 

Last Friday went to get my hair styled more feminine. Sadly my hairdressers said my hair needs a little more time to grow out before we can do it but we will get there. Also one of my Gymnastics students brought me a wonderful Jo Jo Bow to put in my hair once it looks more female.

I have sent some emails to the UK press as I am hoping to help raise more awareness in the UK about Transgender issues for both Children and Adults and the two year wait to receive treatment. I will keep you all updated with how I get on.


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Posted (edited)

Hi Charlotte,

It's great to hear from you and thank you for your kind wishes. I feel there is a rising tide of awareness and appreciation for transgender people. It is coming slowly and there are always obstacles to navigate (e.g., Trump, Pence) but as they say a rising tide raises all ships. 

I am also hoping to have my hair styled in a more feminine cut. I will go see a stylist in late August which will be five months since my last cut, which wasn't too short. I think it will be long enough to at least present more androgynously, and also be nice while I wait more months for it to grow out more. My hair is very gray and I have some thinning on top and a high forehead, but everywhere else it's thick and healthy. I hope I won't need to go to a hair doctor but I will if necessary.

It would be fun if you would publish one of your press releases here. Amazing to me that you've done that!

Best wishes,


Edited by EmmaSweet
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Good luck with your efforts! Very worthwhile. Is it a 2 year wait for anything specific, or is that for any medical transitioning?

That is a long wait - on the other hand, it seems like it's probably more available than it is in the US to many. I'm not trying to one-up you, just to say that it seems neither country is quite getting it right yet. 


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A great time for us on both sides of the Atlantic and all ponds to celebrate our independence from the rules, limitations, and shackles of anatomical and binary gender determination. Viva la gender revolucion. fireworks in all colors.

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Hi Chrissy

Thank you for your kind words. The two year wait in the uk is just to see a transgender centre. I am very lucky in one way as I live quiet close to one of the few centres in the UK. Sadly like in the USA and in other countries that I have been looking into lots of people have a very long way to travel. This part of my reason to try raise awareness of the situation in the UK and if it raises awareness and helps children and adults in other parts of the world that are transgender that would be a huge bonus. But I am sure there are other wonderful people working as hard to make it work as well.


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