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Working, working

I can't say that I have had much trans activity this past week. I have just been too pooped at the end of the day along with a lot of follow-up paperwork that needs doing to even think about dressing. The only dress I want to see is my nightie. It's not all bad, really, although it will be better when things finally start to pop. I am making a lot of approaches and setting appointments, but then there are always those that fall through for one reason or another. The two really good ones I have has so far this week won't make a decision for another six months. Nothing happens fast, that's for sure. I have four presentations scheduled for the morning, so maybe one of them wiill come through.

I have been working some with a co-worker, Kathy, whom I have previously mentioned. As I said, she is very sharp and was a big person in IT with American Express making major bucks as she tells it. But she loves to talk, and takes soooo looong to do things, that it does get to me. She also obsesses over her prospects that are not happening and just eating up more of her time. I have to keep moving. If you are serious, fine. If not, I have others to see. Some agents do very well working with a partner. I'm so used to being on my own. My wife used to say that I don't really need anybody. It was a harsh statement. Maybe, it's true. I do enjoy good company, but it's hard to fine people with interests similar to mine, or maybe interesting people period. I will say that I have met interesting and alive people here at this website. I am grateful that it is here.

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"I do enjoy good company, but it's hard to fine people with interests similar to mine, or maybe interesting people period."

I well understand. I like a line in the Holstee Manifesto, which hangs on my wall: "If you are looking for the love of your life, stop; they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love."

I'm a very fortunate beneficiary of this thinking. I never met a romantic partner when I was looking. It was always when I least expected it. And recently I've actually made a couple of wonderful new friends - a complete surprise. I'm so grateful.

Go out and so stuff, whatever you like to do. And be open, fun, and sweet. Honey attracts bees!

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