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Blending in as an option

Good day all


I do miss those days when I could unassumingly just blend into an ocean of faces without even a second glans.


What has changed????


Well that rock on top of me, it's not even a chip anymore.  Yes had the burden of not being any person in particular, because showing my feelings or true self would end in my world imploding.


Confidence.  Well check the pics in my last few updates.  The more relaxed, confident persona I exude now then back then.  Well going from cute, to ooh mama your hot also helps.  And the weight I've gained, positively radiant.


Talking about the weight, for my 5'8 (1,74m) tall structure.  Before and early transitioning, left me with this constant urge, to stay under 110Lbs (53kgs), as I couldn't come to believe that a bit more weight on me would look good.  But it also helped me blend in more, with my unassumingly process of non-existence.  Now at 135Lbs (62kgs), I feel so much better about myself, bit more roundings, and yes flaunting it all in your face attitude.  Oooh dont get me on body fat, that was below 7% and now so close to 20% if not sort of over that.


Well I miss blending in, but why would I want to hide my existence from anyone now.  I am a strong woman, that doesn't find strength in others, but within myself.


Positives are.

I look good, and even if you dont want to say it, you know it.

I'm confident to the level of making people around me comfortable allowing their trust to come out.

I'm strong.  And no physically I'm just capable of controlling a guy in a fight, not stronger then a man.  But mentally I'm unbreakable.

Unwavering in my beliefs.

Proud of who and what I've become.  How many people can say they in the career they dreamed of as a child.

Loyal to my family and friends.

Pretty hazelnut eyes.

Perky tits, even if they only a 32A, they mine and fit me perfectly.  And I don't care what anyone says.  You want them bigger, pay for it and give yourself the boobjob.

Struggling with normal human thing.  Yes this is a positive, because if I thought that I'm to good for humanity (finances, day to day running), well you know what I mean.


With this all, there are still days, I need to blend in with the crowd, albeit being I need to be between models to look like a normal blend of person.  I do appreciate being called a flower between my male counterparts at work who are the thorns.




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Hi Michele,

In case it helps I feel similarly. Not that I blend in nearly as well as you... ever. I think I always stand out a bit. I have been thinking about getting full on FFS and maybe other modifications but I’m not convinced I’d ever fully blend in. And, at what cost? The money is one thing and that’s considerable. The bigger thing for me is that I don’t want to feel compelled to wear another costume.

Like you I’m feeling more confident and proud of myself. I want to look nice, feminine, and appropriate for where I am, my age, etc. I’m thinking now about getting a face lift and brow lift, not to blend in but to look a little improved. 

I think we need to try to do what makes us feel better, not for anyone else. 


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