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The time waists or is it just my waist ...

I know it has been a long time since I have been posting .

I have been wondering why nothing I do manages to bring me to the point that My life is complete , I try to find work at home yet still manage to have to continue what makes me sad and discontent with my existance , I know I should be content in having work , yet for some reason thats is no consilation , I do however feel content with who I am I wear what I want I get up on good days when I put on my makeup and do my hair up and look at the world as it is full of opportunities and wonders yet to be discovered by my eyes , my mind and simply smile that little smile we all have on those sort of days .

I dont feel this is anything great , I dont feel this to be some sort of special thing to be held high just a day in the life of a woman , highs, lows and days that are simply just another day . I have looks but nothing in the shadows creaps , at least none that I look to find . Every one that looks for some special feeling it might be there but for me knowing who I am brings no white bright fuzzy feelings they are simply the feelings I have always held .

For those looking for that moment, search for it, find it , if it is to be had , I must and do feel that I should advise there is no better joy then simply knowing you can make it to the end of today with your head held high.

Finally stop feeling you have waisted another day attempting a feeling that might and for some never have existed , stop waisting away and hold today in your eyes for what it is another day to be enjoyed with you in it .

The days are for you to hold in your hands and make them for what they are opportunities , dont waiste them they pass so quickly , ( I aint getting any younger ) any questions , I didnt think so . You all have to put on those stretchy pants and colorfull blouse ( ok I like them you can wear what ever you feel best in ) . Kiss' and big Huggs


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