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The dreaded Therapy session .... Nah It was all good ,LOL

Ok , yesterday I had my first session with my new therapist ( by the way didnt have an old one ) She's a great little lady , open to the needs and concerns we have concerning Transition , It is so hard to find a qualified phycologist that knows and can properly aid with all aspects of transition and any other issues we may have but I think she is going to be a great help , I dont have any real issues other then those fricking SOC rules I know they are in place for a reason but I am not the only one that knows and feels them to be a detriment to those seeking the medical therapies available to us , and yes I know they are just guide lines to help with those that have no clue what , where , and how they are going to live their lives before , during , and after transition ( if this is the route you choose to take ) but for those that have a plan are mentally stable , physically able , and medically fit to undergo this tremendous undertaking it sets up nothing but road blocks and side steps to what in any other setting would have other wise been a smooth transition through life .

I think she is going to be an asset in my transition and not a hinderance the fact that they the dr.'s there have aided in other transitions makes a big difference and that this is really her and the main Dr.'s specialize in and with those with gender issues helps to , the ladies their are wonderfully respectful and sincerly concerned about my needs and feelings , it is quite refreshing to have expierianced this because as so many of you know that office encounters can be strenuous and filled with tensions both on your part and theirs , these gals were sweethearts always stating my name ( stephani ) and asking if I needed something while I waited . I was apprehensive about seeing a therapist because I know how risky it is , what kind of therapist am I going to get will they help me or hinder me , will they be supportive or try and block my every move , so much anxiety over the out come when choosing a partner in transition because this is really what they are a partner helping you make good decisions in your life's journey , some one that can listen unjudgementally no matter what pops out of your mouth , The forum and all the friends we make here are a great help but some times you really need some one to look into their eyes and know they do feel what you are going through . not to mention grab you a tissue when the box is empty (this was my case :-) ) , I hope others here have a great Phycologist aiding with their transition and if not I hope you find one , Best wishes My loved friends and Friends yet met .. Huggs

Oh and by the way I have read that Dr.'s seldom to never Email back well , this Dr. takes about 30-45 minutes before she gets back with me , no matter what time of night we talked before going to their office I admit this is a hard thing to find but you can if you do your home work ... I really respect these gals so professional and carring . Thanks Dr. Farnan and Dr. Burton if your reading this , yes I talked about you guys LOL I love this forum and all you guys as well ..


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Awwww! Good news Stephani! Having a professional giving you such good understanding and support is a wonderful thing.



Caroline xxx



Sorry Sweetheart , just popped on and saw your responce , Thank you very much as I said I really was apprehencesive about going and seeing one , (You know the Anxiety Level was ungodly LOL ) But I was eventually going to have to have a face to face with someone anyways so why not now , Right , no time like the present . It has been a long time coming and life just kept getting in the way I was again broken and at my wits end , I just said to hell with it and the bills and the rest can stew for all I care .(LOL). I feel better but, had another anxiety attack yesterday , just about the now what's you understand , I have waited and put things off so long they pilled back up on my plate , this Fat chick cant eat that much (LOL) , eccentially I live fulltime so I am not really worried about this concern if she brings it up I cant dress any more Feminine then I do ( atleast not till my Breasts grow a bit more , this Acup bra leaves alot to be desired LOL) , also I take HRT so aint worried about that either , just the little things I still am in the process of dealing with , OMG I am rambling I am sorry Hugs Hun , PM me if you want , and Thank You so much .

Your sister in Life :

Steph XXX

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