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The Ten Reasons I Chose to be Trans

As you are no doubt aware, being transgender is a choice that some people make. Everyone has different reasons for making this choice and here are mine:

1. By the standards of men’s heights, I’m only considered somewhat tall. By women’s standards, however, I’m quite tall.

2. I so much prefer to use my hands and mouth for sex over my penis that I would like to remove the option entirely.

3. Attention; I could think of literally no other way to get attention from people.

4. Growing up secretly straight in a homosexual culture, I am willing to change my gender so that my attraction to women will meet society’s standards.

5. I can get a discount on drinks at bars I would never go to.

6. Despite being married, I so wholeheartedly despise the institution that I would like for it to be illegal for me.

7. I’m not attracted to men, but I would like for them to stare at me and yell lewd comments.

8. I would prefer to use one type of generally disgusting public restroom over the other type of generally disgusting public restroom.

9. A legacy; Everyone knows that the accomplishments of intelligent men are historically overshadowed by the accomplishments of their female peers.

10. I might make less money for doing the same work, which would be a great incentive to work harder.

So, for these reasons, I am willing to alienate those close to me, face potential divorce, take hormones which could have an adverse effect on my body, and spend about $50,000 on the cost of transition. Yeah, clearly this was a choice in which I weighed the costs against the benefits and sided with the more beneficial option.


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:o :blink::P:lol: , I get it , I got it and You Know how to get were you want to be . Keep up your goals you will make a wonderful addition to the working force forcing work by force .... Hee Hee , Your inspiring list may it shine a light to those who struggle in the darkness ... :D

Take care and Huggs




wow in all my world sarcasm has always been a simple comment. never a way to fully express the obvious. transition is NOT a choice and thru this list you made the 'choice' to be a very funny thing, almost crazy! good list :)



Thanks, Stephani & Kate. I have to give credit to Jonathan Swift (A Modest Proposal) and Tyler Oakley (Why Gay Marriage is Wrong) for being major sources of inspiration.

I work well in satire, though I find it the least effectual form of writing. The people who understand that it's satire are the people who stand to gain the least from it and the people who don't understand it are the people who would stand to gain the most from understanding it.

C'est la vie.



I really enjoyed that.

Awesome kiddo.

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