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New Album



Hurray! I finally finished the album I've been working on for the past two years. It's still not going to be officially released until 7/19/11 because I have to pay for the UPC and digital distribution, but I wanted to let everyone here get an advance listen. After all, this is going to be my most public exposure so far as Maya, it was written as a way of coping with my frustration over living as a man, and I probably wouldn't have been around still to finish this if it wasn't for the support I've found, primarily here!

Anyway, it's meant to be quite soothing, so if you're in a crappy mood, it might just make you feel better. You can listen at: http://michzimmerman.bandcamp.com/

It's $10 to download the whole album (free for the bonus tracks), but if anyone here would like to download it and can't afford to, I can send a message with a code good for one free download. :)

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very Relaxing Hun , Hope the endevor produces the beneficial results it appears as though you are attempting to withdraw from the listener .. I hope as well you obtain the nessesary funds to persue a larger audiance and listener base ... Once again Congratulations on the completion and on your future endevors may they clearify the mirk filled haze listeners are often within prior to listening and soaking up your thoughts and feelings within the melody or harmonic waves that will cascade from within their audio device ....

Good job , harmonic and soothing .



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