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Wondering, Why must those who have the most in this world think that they are intitled to dictate to those that have the least what their lives must be,and how they must live?

What of them have been told that they must be a part of the whole to go through life and be something that they are not. Act in a manner not of their nature

I suppose that those with the most have never been told to act, to be, or you will, I suppose that they have expected the entitlement to do,be or act in the ways that they see fit not by anyones dictated attitude so why must they always take this course with those that dont have the most or even a bit those that struggle to make it through the day without just exploding into a fit of rage or worse taking the ultimate step and ending thier lives those that fail in lifes tests and tribulations ending up as another statistic on the wall of some buricrat who just thinks that we are no more then just another wage earner to increase the governments coffers,allowing those with the most to dictate further what we shall be what we shall do and how we all shall live..

I say that in order to change these facts we must do it one person at a time quietly disceatly and respectfully, those that have made it to the otherside know that those that are allowed to shout and cause great disrupt in the order of things are only making it that much harder to bring about the changes that will benefit those on the way up,Changing minds and attitudes can only take place one person at a time we cant force anything on an indivigual we must desceatly,subtly change those peoples minds with a bit of information that their brains can understand and will take into consideration when we were told as children dont or you will or your suppose to well then our actions were of defiance and hate,I think such is that of society just like a child it too must be coexed into understanding why or how ..

I believe that at this point our expectation of society to know and understand what it is we need is only one mind away from acceptance,one mind away from understanding, I dont want tollerance I want only to be, Not to just make due or make by, I want to just be ,as do all those before me and all those to come..so lady's and gentlemen we cant expect to be understood if we just yell at those that have the most we must whisper those points to them let their minds wrap themselves around the knowledge and accept the facts as they are not as they appear as we all know that appearance can be decieving...

We all have to be on the same side if we are not then we shall never be allowed to just be the woman or men that we are we must stop forcing those that

dont understand to understand we have to hint at and gently direct them into the knowledge and understanding of we are just men and women we always have been and always will be.. I beive that at some point they will stop trying to put us into that nice little box that is so much easier to look to when they are courious and want to act like they understand they dont but with pacience and time we will bring the understanding and acceptance to the whole, but only though the one can this be done...


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