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Criticism!...How do you respond?

Yes friends did you know there's different types?? Well there is one type builds up a peson's

self-esteem, and the other destroys it! this not my opinion it is a fact.

There's two ways to look at criticism. The first way is to feel hurt and rejection.

Which makes you say to your self.. O you B=brat you want to tell me how to do this, or how I should act ,or look.

The other way is Wow, this person cares enough to help me to grow!! Yep that right,if i did care for somebody I would not say a word.

However, some people are very sanative to what is said that's why when you criticize a person do it with caution. This way the point your trying to make is not lost, and you don't hurt the other person.

O yes that leads me to make this point If I ignore you Is that better than criticizing you. I think the first point is worse than the second point. I know if I did not love someone I would not say a word.

thats why take the criticizem and embrace it, and it most definntly help you to grow.

Why do I write this because, it took 45 years to understand this point and now I want to share what I have learned.


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For me , I get harrassed all the time over my comments by BOTH sides , ( Liberal and Conservative ) I consider myself a Texas Libertarian , actually , a Constitutionalist . One of my heros , Mr. Thomas Jefferson has always been sort of a mentor to me . I support Gay marage , I support Choice and as small a Government as can be gotten away with . The reason is because i have lived in both Virginia and California and Texas . I have found the Overbearing regemes in both Ca. and Va. to be repressive . I'm not saying Texas is a utopia either . still, I at least feel like a U S citizen in that state .....

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so true never let any thing stand between you and youre growth life is to short to hate

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I hate a good many things the difference is knowing that just because you hate something doesn't make it wrong , its just wrong for you .

Like I , Hate Brustle sprouts , so many love them are they wrong No , am I wrong No , it really comes down to a point of contension in about every thing , I hated california but I love it because I was born there , does it make it any less of a state I could goto if need be , nope it is open to me and every one else , you may find after a while you go from a hate to a love situation ..

My thoughts on Critism is that no matter if I feel I am write or they are wrong it is a starting point we both can work from , I may not like it when you tell me to mind my business , I might have to ask why , Open dialog Here ... see a point of contension , I will tell it like it is or as I see it no matter what if I love you ,hate you , or have no idea who in the world you are , if your about to stick your finger in a light socket I am going to critise you for your ignorance and open the door to understanding , maybe you simply wanted me to say hay silly dont stick your finger in that you'll shock the beejesus out of yourself and you might stop and think twice , now if I said Hey , Stupid dont do that you moron , your going to get peeved and the point of contension is in fact not the critism but how the critism was stated ...

Just a thought ....


Stephani P.

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