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why in the world

Why in the world must we move to the beat of the drummer that is never seen.

Why must we always do what the puppet masters say to do.

What in the world would it hurt to be able to make some informed decisions on are own, to be in charge of our lives to live life in the persute of life liberty and the persute of happiness you know the beliefs of the founding fathers of this great nation the idea that we the people for the people and by the people. Not we the govenment for the government and by the government, this is our nations downfall we have let the government make up what we do how we do it and when we do it ..the founders would turn and fire on those who failed to stand up to those who would have our liberties and our god give rights those people that think that they are better served by those who have spent a lifetime figuring out how to pilfer our pockets and take our liberties..those who need to be held up for treason against those they say to serve.... I say no they look out for them and their better interests not in yours our mine those that swore to us that they would fight those who would take our liberties but in turn they do just that take them from us one at a time slowely but surely...we are loosing the rights we were given by those who have fallen those who cared about us when we didnt care for ourselves..I say to you all we must take the fight to them vote for our freedom vote for our rights and show those who spent a lifetime taking that we are tired of the ways of old we are taking back our nation and we will not stand for those that take from us wich is ours.....I slaved for my piece of eight and your not intiteled to half of it....go and make a diffrence make your voices heard..VOTE


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