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these things we are thankful for...hum

What might you be thankful for I know that as the years go on I become less and less thankful for things....I mean life kicks us around and then plays with us like we were a big ball of twine and it was a giant putty tat just batting us around one time I would love to take life and beat it into submision...I know thats a bigger pipe dream then me becoming pregnant but yet another dream to the wind and another year behind us.....Isnt this just wonderful we try to go along with the rules and we still hit the preverbial wall full force face first...(SLAMMM) dazed and confused as to what the heck just happend we get back up and try it again next time we make it a little farther but yet again ( BAMM ) right in the kisser ...These lips can only take so much before they yell uncle... maybe thats what they want us to do just yell uncle give up....NOPE cant do it I guess I am just a gluttin for punishment but I am going to make the goals I have set for myself and then I might have something to write about to be thankful for I know you woke up today you should be thankful for that ( Why ) can you honestly tell me what is is that makes waiking up so special I should thank my lucky stars I did it again....No didnt think so but yes I have done it I woke up to take another bite out of lifes ankle....not to much meat on that nobbey thing but I make my mark none the less.....dragg me along this path and I will get up to swing again carry me to the end and I will sing your praises....I'm waiting no one to carry me God knows life isn't gona pick us up and carry us to our appionted possitions....so onward upward and outward we must go into lifes little torcher pit, watch the skys for the next gray cloud looms in the distance...take note that you can to make it through to bite life in the pervebial arse.....gotcha :o ...dont let go take that ride for a bit longer and make it to the next sunny day is all I can say... I do suppose I have one thing to be thankful for THIS FORUM...Its been a life saver so Thank you ladies and gentlemen....have a good thanksgiving and a great christmas If I dont hear from you all by then....LOVE YA GUYS...


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