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Support can mean a world of difference. Recently I had to leave my previous place of employment in order to find a new one that would allow me time for college. I ended up at my previous job simply because I could make it work to my advantage. I started work at Wal-Mart the beginning of last month, and while I will fore warn anyone that it is not the ideal place of employment for me, it is not as bad as they say.

I’d left Wal-Mart previously because I want a job I felt safe transitioning at, and I wanted more money. (Doesn’t everyone?) More money meant more problems and I never felt safe in the warehouse. Which says a lot about where I used to work. I’m not intimidated by the consequences of other people’s closed minds, but I am intimidated by violence.

I went back to Wal-Mart eager to start moving forward in my life. I came out to everyone in orientation. They could like me or not like me. I was a bit taken back to learn I couldn’t wear the Name “BEN” But instead had to wear some derivative of my legal name, which currently does not match my identity. At first I was a bit outraged, but instead of losing my cool I spoke to a manager I trusted.

“Surely” I thought, “I can’t be the only transgender person in the entire company.” So I explained to him the best way I knew that I couldn’t afford to change my name just yet. Between the pay cut and college, let’s face it folks, I’m barely eking by. I’ve no regrets! I explained to him the difficulty of trying to present myself as a man when being forced to wear a name badge with a female’s name.

He was kind and courteous, though I could tell he wasn’t quite sure how to handle my complaint. He told me he would find out for me, and he did. A week later I got called back to the office, I’d been bugging him all day about it. He and the Personnel manager had researched the policy for helping out a transgender associate. I was kind of shocked that there is a policy for that. Hidden deep in books, but it’s there. My manager explained to me that not only could I have my name badge, but I could ask for the proper pronouns, and not fear discrimination. His conviction as he told me this and asked me what name I was to be called and what pronouns I preferred filled me full of hope. Finally I get my own personal victory.

Sometimes Support can make the difference between night and day.


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Ben, thank you for the uplifting post. I, too, have mixed feelings about Walmart on many levels, but here they stepped up to the plate! Know you will be an excellent representative of Walmart, and with your strong work ethic, you are going to be a valued employee. Hope you may want to become part of the management team in the future!

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This is a step towards a positive experience.

I've come to the conclusion that no matter what kind of rules a company has, sometimes it all boils down to which location you find yourself at. Another store might not have bothered to look into the matter, and simply shoved their own biases down your throat.

Good luck.


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Thank you. Although I have no plans to Manage that mad house. I'm currently persuing a degree in human services. I want to help all kids in the system, but special focus on trans-kids.

I posted this in hopes of encouraging others to be themselves out in the public, because truly fear is the only thing that stops us from accomplishing our goals.

Like Michael pointed out, It truly boils down to location when it comes to massive corporations, but I never would've found out if I didn't try. Also I'm just lucky I don't work at hobby lobby.

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