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Third Day of Horrors

I thought it were over. I thought the drama were done. But it hadnt even started yet.

The morning started off with the worse headache I've ever had.

Pushing that aside, I headed to work. For the past week, the radio that I use in my area has been taken by an older and somewhat aggrivating co-worker. Me being kind, I let it go.

True, music helps my anxiety stay back. But I couldnt just take it away from the brute.

But today, I had forgotten my dosage of medications, and I were on edge plus agony from the headache.

With halloween being the next day, I knew that I had a playlist to play the next day during meals for the holiday. My favorite holiday, if you hadnt noticed.

So I went over to have a talk with "Dave".

I could have been mean. I could have been rude. I could have said "hey I want the radio back NOW"

But no....I were trying to be considerate. "Hey Dave, when you're all set can you put the radio back in my area? And I'd really appreciate if you could use a different one tomorrow, I have plans for it tomorrow." Is what I said, calmly.

Which he snapped at me, ranting about how it doesnt belong to just me and that I needed to stop being selfish and rude and etc etc. I told him its a company radio, we're all supposed to share it. So he threw that very comment in my face, saying that I were keeping it all to myself. WHAT!?

So....I broke. "You're such an ***hole" and walked off, beyond annoyed.

So instead of just letting it drop, since he had his precious radio blaring the worst of the oldies, he instead came out ON THE FRONT LINE, in front of CUSTOMERS, screaming at me about how I will NEVER speak to him like that again, and how I were a disrespectful b**** and that I will NEVER use that language towards him again or he'll "Tell Head Chef"

To which I simply shrugged at him the whole time like "whatever" which I think irked him even more.

I stayed composed. Until he left, and everyone were staring at me. I broke...

Holding it back until I were down the hall, I hid in the dry storage room's back corner behind some boxes and punched the daylights out of some canned goods and cardboard boxes, put my steeltoe boots to use against a box, then broke down in an anxiety attack and bawled my pathetic eyes out.

I just couldnt handle it. I couldnt take the stress, the utter and complete BULLS***

One of the deli girls found me and was too freaked out by seeing me cry since I avoid doing so at work, and she ran off to find my boyfriend. Who wasnt very helpful, to be honest.

He just stood there staring at me, seeming unimpressed.

When I went to lean against him for a hug, he again, just stood there. No hug back, no comforting, just stood there. So I told him to just go back to work, and he did without argument or insistence to help me. He just....walked away.

Thanks a lot....

After almost half an hour or so, I finally emerged. Mentally repeating "hes not worth it. just breathe. Dont let them see it."

I had to retreat to the bathroom only once more after that to breathe and such one more time, before emerging once more.

I'm not going to lie, I wanted to cut. I wanted to so badly. I even resorted to attempting to use the rough edge of a scanner card that were on my keychain. Thankfully, nothing I had would have sufficed even in the slightest.

All day, Dave treated me like crap and told everyone I were disrespectful and behaved like a whiney child. He's one to talk.....I wanted to quit my job so badly. I still plan to, once I have another lined up. I'm so done with them......so, so done...

So instead, for the rest of the night, I busied myself doing what I love most. Halloween things.

I cut out bats, I decorated my whole station, made it my own. Got a few compliments on it. And above all.....I HID that damn radio. There's no way hes taking it from me tomorrow. SUCK THAT, DAVE.

He can go spit for all I care.

All I want to focus on is tomorrow.

I dont need them. I dont need their crap. Tomorrow I'm going to just be my character and brush them off my shoulders.


Sidenote: I've realized today that I have mastered the skill of "Plastic Face" when I'm breaking and bleeding on the inside. It's becoming rather useful and decieving.


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Dunno why I found it surprising that chefs could get into it. But, chefs are human too.

And...is this guy, Dave, not going to be called on the carpet for going psycho in front of customers?



Nope. As far as my boss sees it, he can do no wrong. He's lied about other chefs before, and he coughs and sneezes and blows his face into a hankie before WIPING HIS FACE WITH IT.....yet he gets no grief for it. Meanwhile if my hat is on backwards or I forget a nametag..I'm screwed. I had ONE bad, cranky day last year and Chef yelled at me on the front line to get my sh** together or I wouldnt have a job there anymore. When I went to the changing room to calm down, he told a coworker to tell me that I had ten minutes to get back to work or I was done.



Ahhhhh, the old "he-can-do-no-wrong" employee. Yeah. I worked with someone like that one time when I was really young. A belligerent, condescending, know-it-all, grouch.

Yep... been there, done that.

Hang in there.



Trying to. I'm going to leave early for work tomorrow and stop over at the Security offices. I'd already been asked to apply as a Safety Officer on Campus, and I think it's time to get that ball rolling. At least put my name on the list of considerations. Point blank, bottom line: I need to get out of that kitchen.



Hey Warren,

Yeah, get the heck out out of there if you can. He sounds scary to me, and it's not right for management to ignore his behavior. But it is what it is and you need to take care of yourself.

And have a great Halloween! Me? I'll be Emma, if only on the inside!





I have often said that the hardest part of most jobs I've ever had, was dealing with the co-workers. Try not to take it too personal, although that is easier said than done. The thing is, these abrasive people are unhappy or insecure, so they subconsciously share the misery by acting out toward others.

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This person in particular seems to have been singling me out ever since I were hired there, and has even been caught in lies about me saying I did something that I didnt. Or claiming I didnt clean something when I did. On one occasion, I had used the large grill but weren't sure how to clean it. When I asked for him to show me, he said "I'll take care of it, dont worry about it" So I didnt, I went home.

Next day, I got in trouble for "leaving the grill filthy"....He told Chef that I didnt clean it, didnt want to clean it, and left it so I could go home.

He's a back stabbing ***. I just really need to find a different job.

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