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What do you really want?

Today is tuesday, and as some of you know, tuesday is my therapy day. The day I suck up my blahness, climb out of bed, and go sit and chitchat with my therapist about...basically everything and anything.

But this time, I broke down after I left her office. I sat in my car, gripped the steeringwheel and attempted to get a grip on myself, before finally breaking down and bawling my pathetic eyes out.

I feel like she gave up on me already.

I were originally instructed to see a therapist for my anxiety and depression problems, but mostly for being transgendered. I admitted to my therapist that I think my self harm, depression, and anxiety are all linked and rooted strongly to my identity issues. I strongly believe that if I were able to truely be Warren, I'd be better off. Happier. Healthier.

On the paperwork when I originally signed up to go to therapy, they'd asked me "What do you expect/hope to get out of therapy? What is your end goal?"

Honestly, I didnt know. I still dont. I'd left it blank because of that reason.

But today she put down her notebook and looked me dead in the eye.

"I'm going to be honest and frank with you," she said. Instantly I knew something was up.

"Until you can decide what it is that you want, I dont see a point in you even coming here. You dont know where you're going, you dont have a goal in mind, then I dont know what I'm supposed to do to guide you to it. Until you decide what it is you expect or want out of therapy sessions, it's going to do you no good. Think about it over the week until I see you again"

And that was it. Nothing more. We were done.

Dont get me wrong, shes probably right. But I cant help but feel like she was throwing her hands up in surrender and saying "You cant figure out your own problems then I cant be your solution".

I made next week's appointment on the way out, but honestly I felt numb as I did it. Just nodded and said 'see you later'.

I dont want to go back.

I dont know what I want, damn it! That's why I was going, to get help! I know I dont want to be what I am right now, isnt that clue enough for her to help me figure things out?

To be honest, I'm tempted to just call them back and cancel the appointment and not go back. I feel like theyve given up on me already...it's only been the second session, and she throws that at me. When I've finally broken down in front of her and teared up because I'm frustrated with staying hidden.

She said so herself, that it seems more like in terms of life, I've secluded myself. So why the hell would you back out and leave me secluded instead of trying to draw me out?!

I dont know what to do about the situation.

Advice or opinions welcomed.

Frustrated as hell,



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I don't even know what to say. I've never been to a therapist...but I thought therapists were supposed to help you figure out things. I would think that not knowing what to expect, or knowing what kind of goals you should set would give them a clue as to how to approach your issues, and then get you in a frame of mind so that you can declare those things.

But... I dunno. I think I wouldn't be too happy about tone of today's session either.


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Hey Warren,

I have a lot of thoughts about this. First, you are doing the absolute correct thing by writing about it here. We are here to listen and to help as best we can. Second, I completely understand your hurt, anger, and disillusionment with your therapist. How she could demand that you spell out your goal for therapy is beyond me. I was angry myself when I first read your post.

After I calmed down I thought, well, maybe you could give her some goals. Here are some ideas. Obviously (I hope) you are the only judge as to their accuracy for you. I just hope they trigger some ideas:

1. Relief or ways to handle depression.

2. Help with sorting out and planning what to do with your gender expression.

3. Understand what is driving you to hurt yourself, and, learn and implement ways of handling those issues without having to hurt yourself for relief.

4. Help with understanding how you can talk to your family, and, if it doesn't go well, counseling on how you will deal with this.

5. Same thing with your boy friend. This is important, whether or not you stay together. If he leaves or you break up there will be another one.

Please do not cancel next week's appointment. These goals are all very important for you. I suggest you write down more, maybe come up with a crazy long list, and then you can consider combining and prioritizing.

While I don't think the therapist was tactful or kind, she does have a point. You and she are a team. And as a team, you both need to know where you want to go, what it means to make progress and succeed. So her question is okay even though very poorly presented.

Let's keep up the discussion.


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