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About three months ago, I contacted an acquaintance who practiced law but had to quit because of serious health problems. She indicated that I wanted to start my name change to contact her. Four weeks ago, we met for coffee and discussed the process, she asked for $100 to start working on it. Now I know some will say this is a lot but “wait for it”. The following weekend she asked me to fill out seven pages for the process. Got it done then gave it back to her. At this time, she asks for another $300, which covers the $111 fee and her time. What she plans on doing is handling the process start to finish. She said, last Thursday she needed to met with me again. I have not heard a peep from her. Last night I pined over how much time it would take if she contacts me this week and could not sleep thinking about after submitting three documents and posting one in the court room I needed yet another two weeks to complete the process. I decided today screw it and begin the process myself as the money is not that important but still peeved she did this. Took about 30 minutes to fill out forms, pay the fee and post a document on a corkboard. My date to start the next process is 12/14/2014. Then another two weeks followed by Social security then drivers license. This is what I need to get done before I head off to California.

In retrospect I should had done this myself but thought that giving her my business we both get something out of this.

Personally I am the type of person who gets to appointments early, when a friend needs help I give it and know full well that others are not always the same. Any ways I needed to write this out as it truly has been bugging me and helps a little to write this out. Good news is I am back on track rolling along like a unstoppable freight train.

End of rant.


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Hi Karen,

I'm sorry to hear this of course but also congratulate you for taking care of yourself. I'm like you in that I try to be (and am) considerate. I also get to appointments (and movies!) early, to make sure I'm not causing others to contend with my being late. And honestly, I also go early to avoid the stress.

Anyway, I think you should ask her for a refund. We typically pay attorneys a retainer and it seems to me that a. She hasn't likely already submitted your application, so that's $111 she owes you, and b. given what you describe, it seems unlikely she could have possibly used up the entire retainer. If she gives you grief over it, it's up to you what to do. At the very least she'll know that she let you down and you won't be sending any further business to her.

Good to be back on track, right?


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Seems to me Karen deserves the money back - ALL the money back, 'cause she did all the work the way I see it.

I should try to sue the woman for the injury to my jaw when it hit my desk after I read the part about her wanting another $300 AFTER Karen had to fill out all that paperwork!

But maybe I just dunno much about lawyers and how they work.

Good job, Karen... WTG! :)


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I decided to visit the local hospital, see if she is there. My guess is that they will not tell me so my plan is to give them a index card that contains her name and my contact information. I think there is another hospital too, and will do the same.

I know in the past she was hospitalized which is why she does not practice law anymore, almost died.

If I get nothing back in the week I am going to look into what recourse I have in regards to getting all or some of my money back.

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She finally made contact with me yesterday and have setup a time for this Saturday to get my money back. more to follow.

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