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It's been a while

Hello everyone,

I apologize deeply for being gone so long. Life has been a bit chaotic as of late, and with all the winter storms hitting us hard up here in the north, this become even more chaotic.

You guys havent really missed too much, I'll be honest.

Only things that have happened lately is that I didnt go to my therapy session today.

I got a call from Joan at 7am this morning to call off our appointment due to road conditions and black ice, and she did want herself nor I to risk it.

Though a part of me was relieved that I could crawl back into my bed with my boyfriend, another half of me felt like I really really wished she'd risked it.

As bad of me as it is to want someone to risk their safety just so I can go and whine and be a crybaby, I couldnt help it. I've almost grown dependent on our weekly visits together.

Otherwise, it wasnt too bad of a day. Classes for the students I cook for was cancelled due to the weather, though surprisingly I didnt get completely ambushed on serving either. Normally no classes means I get mauled to pieces by 2k students with nothing better to do than eat until they burst.

But, again, with the weather, they didnt want to venture out of their dorms. THANK HEAVENS FOR THAT.

After four inches of very stick snowballs raining from the skies, the weather turned another direction and instead hit 41F and turned to rain. Which, in turn, transformed the whole county into one giant slush pit. Yay....

But, with the bad comes the good, because they let us close down early and go home.

Otherwise..I got bit my a spider o.o

Sorting through grapes, and he just popped out and bit my hand.

So as you can see, nothing too exciting has happened. I havent really heard much back about my estimate for the top surgery, so I'll have to call them now that I've found my cellphone.

(Its only been missing about two weeks! Was in a coat pocket......derp.)

My binders are starting to irritate me a little bit, and I might resort to a sports bra underneath it. Simply because after a while it doesnt do much, and simply makes it look like I am wearing no bra at all (technically im not but its not a good look either).

I'm still looking into getting a REAL binder, though its tough for someone with my bust size.

I'm open to suggestions if anyone has any, I'm not sure what I'm looking for.

Trying to hint to the boyfriend that it can be a christmas gift, until I rethought the idea.

I'd have to open gifts with the family....

With HIS family....

Bad idea to get a binder during christmas.


That's it for now, nothing much else.




Why do girls talk to themselves so much in the bathroom!!? I go in the bathroom to hide and calm down my anxiety sometimes, and of course I have to use the girls bathroom, as much as I hate it. But everytime I'm in there, all the girls will whisper or mumble and talk to themselves! Its so weird! I'm not racist but I've noticed this habit ESPECIALLY with the spanish or nepali girls. Granted, it cracks me up when I'm hiding in there listening to them talk to themselves, but still.....rather strange.


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Hahaha! Warren, you crack me up. I guess we'll give you a hall pass for this week with your therapist. Take care, stay warm. Emma

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OK, I admit I find it somewhat amusing when someone tells me that something I've always done is "typically" a female trait. But talking to yourself in the bathroom can't be exclusively female, can it? We all talk to ourselves regardless of gender... right?

To be fair, I try not to do it when I know there are other people in there. But of course sometimes it happens that, oops, didn't realize there was someone in that last stall! Then I just really hope I didn't say anything too embarrassing! :wacko:

And of course, there are other places I talk to myself other than just the bathroom. But perhaps I'm just a bit crazier than most! :lol:

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I think we all do it at least a little bit. But I still say that it is mostly girls who do it XD


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"I think we all do it at least a little bit. But I still say that it is mostly girls who do it"

I agree.

I found a way to make the binder work better...I can PM ya with details if you'd like.


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Yes please!!



I just bought a few sports bras to wear under my binder thingie. OMG It took me forever, i forgot the sizing stuff! So awkward buying that stuff >.<

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So I caught myself talking to myself in the bathroom again the other day, and forced myself to stop. So now I'm gonna be all self-conscious about this and everything... curse you, Warren!! :P :lol:

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"So I caught myself talking to myself in the bathroom again the other day, and forced myself to stop. So now I'm gonna be all self-conscious about this and everything... curse you, Warren!! :P:lol:" --Sara


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You guys make me laugh XD I get the email notifications of comments in my email on my ipod while I'm at work so I stay caught up, and you guys always make me smile ^_^


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