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Mental well-being

At my last therapist appointment, she learned that the printer was out of ink and would mail my letter out. She also mailed a copy down to Marci Bower, which I am grateful. I would have been okay if I never read the letter but just the same happy to read her assessment and fully agree with her assessment. Reading “This client is an attractive, bright 57-year old transsexual woman” made me smile.

Sometime ago we discussed continual appointments after surgery. She had mentioned that some never come back after they get their letter. My thought is that anyone who goes through a life-changing event no matter how mentally stable they are needs to keep an open mind and continue their visits with their therapist. I made an appointment for 6 weeks after surgery and if all goes fine I will still make follow up appointments say three months out then assess how I am doing plus her assessment.

I have read posts on the web from people who are post-op that they become depressed, unhappy or uneasy. My thoughts at this time, not me but you never know.

I hope that others who follow the same path I am will take this to heart that we need support and do not take it upon themselves to say “I will get through this by myself”.


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Agreed. A complete transition will probably take 5 years or so beyond surgery. There will still be issues that need to be worked out. In my own experience, they are easier to handle than the raging conflict pre-transition but everyone will be a bit different. It sounds like you are on the right track and we're always here if you need us.

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I completely echo Lisa's sentiment and commitment, Karen. Have a very Merry Christmas.


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I totally agree with you Lori, this is but another chapter of an ongoing journey which is best done with the assistance of others both professional and those who have taken this path already.

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Ronnie Virga


Well, it's good to be ale to look at where you are, knowing were your going. Critical thinking, well done. Have a safe & happy Season.

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