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Holiday Shinanigans of Warren

Hello people of the page, this is your friend Warren :P As many of you know and are in the same rocky boat as I am, it's that time of year again. Time to run around like your head's been severed and wrack your brain for those brilliant christmas gift ideas!

I apologize for not being on here to rant and rave very much of late, as not too much as been going on except for the chaos and hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping!

This year though, my Christmas is being spent a little different on a different emotional and physical level due to my attempts of transitioning, and I'm sure that some or all of you know what I mean by this.

This is the first year I'm seeing family and friends on a holiday event dressed mostly as a man. No dresses, no festive ribbons in my hair, no heels, and absolutely NO makeup can be found on this dude this year ;)

Though the first family get together (Bf's family ((i guess we're still together for now)) who never really got the right feel for me to begin with) I only attended for probably the mass of twenty minutes. I'm not a huge fan of his family's get togethers because theyre all so extremely loud and physically affectionate which I'm not entirely comfortable with. I dont like being touched, or having someone in my face most the time. So I opted to leave as quickly as I could, though later I were called "Anti-social" for it. But, that's life.


My youngest sister Becky is here with me this year, staying with me for the month of December of staying with my mom and siblings. I'm so glad she's here, I missed her so much!

So naturally, since this is the first Christmas that she's with me and the first full blown Christmas for her (my mom doesnt do very much at home for it), of course I SPOILED HER ROTTEN!!!

Her stocking is busting at the seams and the tree is overstocked. I love spoiling her!

But unfortunatly I've had a few roadblocks lately...and I'm not sure why.

Emotional breakdowns.

It started with going Christmas shopping with the bf, my sister, and HIS sister Mel. Now....I'm rather protective of my car. It has certain engine issues that you have to WORK WITH IT else it works too hard and sounds horrible and sucks gas then the check engine light comes on. But we werent sure of the place we were going so....DUN DUN DUUUUUUN. Justin let Mel drive. MY car.

I was so paranoid the whole ride, and it drove me absolutely CRAZY hearing the engine over working itself. I was beside myself with horror and frustration to the point that it gave me an upset stomach. From almost hitting people with my car to slamming on the brakes to swerving to avoid traffic....I swear she was going to be the heartattack I'd been waiting for.

Then something happened....something that hasnt happened in MONTHS!

I had an anxiety enduced panic attack which rendered me UNCONCIOUS.

I passed out cold in the backseat of the car, and when I were woken up by my frightened boyfriend and realized what was going on, I broke down in tears. For some reason every time I wake up from a panic attack, I cry. I'm not sure why. Emotional overload? That was the first spot.

Then.....to get my hair cut. For me, my hair is a big deal because it has been my biggest steps away from womanhood and towards manhood, and it is my own personal statement of "I'm not you're little girl anymore". So when I went to get it trimmed and step away from my bushy bangs, I were told that my usual person was a bit busy since a pipe broke in the salon, so someone else did it. It didnt take her long and she seemed to have done a good enough job.....at the time.

When I stopped at a Walmart afterwards with my boyfriend and sister, we started noticing little things. Like....a random and obvious HOLE in the middle of my bangs (which are crooked and boxlike and annoy the crap out of me -_-) along with a huge patch on the back of my neck that she didnt even trim off. I let my hairdresser know and she said I could come back for it to be fixed, which I feel awful about.

(I broke down and shaved that patch off my neck though, I couldnt take it!)

But on an emotional level, it should NOT have bothered me so much. But I got so worked up about it that I ended up bawling in the privacy of my bathroom, and even took a shower to try and hide the noise. Pathetic!

Then came more emotional issues, breaking down for no reason, hiding in the bathroom, curling up in a ball in bed.....I felt like an emotional wreck and couldnt figure out why it was happening.

Then I realized....I'd forgotten two doses of my medication, it's that horrible horrible "time" of month (I'm being punished with cramps but that's it so far -_-), I'm stressed because all that weight I've worked so hard to lose is coming back with a prescription I have to take, I'm stressed with trying to make this a good Christmas for my little sister, PLUS....I'm on almost Two weeks, if not more, of NO CUTTING. I've passed the "I want to" and gone straight to the emotional breakdowns.



Well, true, us cooking a Turkey at my mom's house on the 19th resulted in the stove bursting into flames, flour being thrown all over the kitchen, my baby brother screaming like a nutcase and spending three hours airing the smoke out of the house; But otherwise it's been great!

Icing on the cake I guess, something to giggle at later.

I'll never bring another turkey to my mother's house again....XD

I'll post again when I can, and hopefully my issues will get a little better. My plan is to enjoy tomorrow and forget everything else as much as I can, and just ENJOY MYSELF.

Your Friend,



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Hey Warren,

You're the best, man. Here again, life gives you lemons and what do you do? Lemonade!

I'll bet getting your hair cut was a huge rite of passage for you. How can it not be? And then, your stand-in stylist goes and screws it up. I'd cry too. But once again, you stood up for yourself, called your hairdresser, and she promised to make it right. Just so you know, and in case there's any doubt in your mind, that's absolutely the right thing to do.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: You Rock!

Merry Christmas,


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Yep...lemonade. He's a better man than I.

No one, but NO ONE, is gonna tell someone else they can drive MY vehicle. Nooooooooooooooooo. That would not have flown. I can't say here what I would have done with those lemons to the person who had the unmitigated gall to decide who would drive my truck. :lol:

Glad to hear there's been no cutting episodes... WTG ;)

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GOT THE HAIR FIXED, THANK GAWD!!! Shortest ive ever had it and I LOVE IT!!! Will update my profile pic soon :P


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its in my gallery XD i might post the before shot of where it got messed up XD

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Yeah, just looked at your new pic. Awesome! Definitely update your profile. You look so happy. I'm so happy for you. :-)


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You guys and your cars... :P

Hair is kinda a big deal, isn't it? Although I'm still closeted, I made a decision a couple of years back that I wasn't going to keep cutting my hair like society insisted, and I've let it grow out. Right now it's about halfway down my back and I LOVE IT! <3 I'm not sure work is terribly happy with it, but at least they haven't called me on the carpet yet. And my parents hate it, but what do you expect? ;) Anyway, I'm glad you were able to get it resolved to your satisfaction!

Congrats on the no cutting! I hope things level out for you... we're all pulling for you!

And I'm sorry, I probably shouldn't have, but I will admit I LOL'ed at the "holidays were great, oh yeah, nearly burned down the house but otherwise they were great!" :lol: Glad everything turned out OK and no one was hurt and you could laugh about it after!

I hope your holidays were good, and you are enjoying the time with your sister!


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