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To all My TGG Friends

I wanted to throw this out there, as a sidenote off from one of my other blog posts this evening.

I wanted to take this time to sit down, mellow out, and most of all....Thank you.

Thank every single one of you. All of you who stop and peek into my demented mind to read my blogs. Thank you for stopping and feeling my pain, laughing with me, shaking your head at my own less-than-witty comments, and crying with me if it so suited you.

I'm extremely, unbelievably grateful for every one of you and ALL the friends I've made, and friends I'm yet to make on here. You've all been extremely helpful to me and have kept my chin up out of the muck and grime of grief and guilt and unbelievably overwhelming life's chaos. I will certainly continue to be grateful for all of my wonderful friends here on TGG. It has been beyond enriching, appreciated, heartwarming, enlightening and uplifting to have such a fantastic support system behind me. To know that no matter what is going on in my life, I know that I'll always have my friends here on TGG to help me through it. To break my fall, and pick me back up once again and brush me off and say "Go get 'em, tiger!" I cannot possibly express to you all how wonderful you've all been to me. From simply liking my blogs, to the wonderfully informative or supportive comments, to the remarkable personal messages of support and encouragement...I love logging in and seeing what everyone is doing and saying and up to in this world of awesomesauce.

You've all opened up my eyes from the cruel word and shown me that there IS a place for me, I'm NOT useless, and I DO have a voice that I am ALLOWED and ENCOURAGED to use..

I love blogging for you guys and plan to continue to do so as much as I can, and I BEG that you guys try not to get too bored with me when Things get too chaotic to on a regular basis.

I'm always thinking of all of you, and without you guys, I wouldnt be where I am today!

Have a FANTASTIC holiday!

Have a VERY Merry Christmas, A WONDERFUL Hanukkah and VERY VERY Happy New Year!!!

I love you all!

Your friend and crazy Blogger,



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Dear Warren,

You got that right: Go get 'em tiger! We all love you too. Believe it, it's true.


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I've said it before, and I'll say it again... I do believe it is this board that has kept me from totally losing it at times.


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Hi Warren... thanks for the holiday greetings...I am hoping to find some support & friendship here like you have... as you can see I am old & struggled a life time to create my true self... still ain't done yet!

& yes I do have a supportive therapist I meet w/weekly

other than her, have no IRL friends locally

so sites like this are very important fr self-validation during difficult times

talk to you again I hope

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Best wishes of the season to you as well, Warren, and a Happy New Year!

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