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Annual Symptoms

Well, each year this time I'm faced with the same feelings and emotions, that got amplified after my father passed away.

February strikes, everything seems fine, and as the nears the last week emotions run wild, literally and figuratively.

Okay, my birthday and I have never seen eye to eye. Yes, I know it's just a day, but somehow it manages to find a way to screw me over.

This years isn't so big, but I can't find a place with available space, so romantic weekend away is spoilt.

To understand my avoidance with planning or being out on this day should be explained with these 3 examples.

1 and 2 days that were important to me, were destroyed with the most important person not being there for me. My crown birthday and 21st. My dad had the privilege of being at all his childrens except me, not even 1 of them. I was forced to have a 21st and each and every attempt to escape I broke something. So no luck.

Then a day with a 3 in 1. No pity required as I found out my will to live was greater than expected. My 16th birthday was filled with fights and me just wanting to cry. Yes, this fighter knows the value of crying. From that it changed into a knife being squeezed against my throat so I would resist the urge to fight as I was robbed and minutes later a firearm being pointed at me to rob me once again. A few hours later, getting stopped by an old man trying to persuade me to get into his car, turning into a fight, changing to a car speeding towards me and knocking me temporarily out. This guy raped me and while busy I came to. He tried to strangle and kill me but the fighter in me took over and the anniversary is here again. Now, I rarely think of it, because I survived and I fought to keep my life.

Now pity isn't and will never be wanted. It happened and it's a part of me, I admire for my survival instincts, and hate because it's supposed to be me day. It also made me a better police officer to handle rape victims. And I hate people that fake being raped.

Now every year something happens to make it memorable, but for a negative reason.

I can only say 2 days were fun. 1 I got my driver's license on my 18th birthday, and I was used as a body chocolate and whip cream platter on my 30th and the beginning felt like rape.

Conclusion for me and my birthday is. Stay away, it's just trouble.


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Hello Michelle,

I'm sorry to hear of your birthdays but I'm glad you wrote about it here. As Michael (an Admin here, "UsernameOptional") advises: pound your keyboard, keep writing, maybe that will help relieve some of your pain.

And by the way, it's not pity, not whining. The pain is real and it is valid. I hope we hear more from you.



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Whining sometimes is used as a method of maintaining my sanity and perspective.

So will continue.


Ps. Thank goodness for mother choosing my name at birth, and me loving it. Amd also never needing to hide my inner or true self.

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