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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2013 in all areas

  1. The Music! OMG Where Do I Start? Long Story Short I've Dreamed Of Being An Entertainer Since I Was 10 Years Old. Dad Wouldn't Hear Of It, Mom Helped Me Dream It, And When I Was 28 I Received My Degree In Recording Engineering & Video Production. Now I'm Going For It! I Have My Little Home Studio Going On And I'm Putting Around 100 Songs To My Music. Granted Since I Love Hitting The Clubs, Most Of Them Are House Music And Dance Tracks! But I Have Other Styles Go Through My Head As Well. The Process Seems To Never End Once I'm Awake And Get Moving. A Crazy Thought Will Come To Me And The Next Thing I Do Is Make A Song Out Of It! I Plan To Release Tracks Summer 2013. Have You Noticed The Love That Transmen & Transwomen Are Getting In The Entertainment World?
    1 point
  2. Ok, I'm going to make a quick list of pros and cons of being Trans* in high school and as a teenager... Even though there really isn't anything good about being trans* Goods: - You get to educate people and make a difference. - You can pick your own name. - GSA for support. - Guidance counselors to talk to. Bads: -DYSPHORIA. -Getting the wrong pronouns. - Not being old enough for HRT. - Being called by your birth name on the first day of school... -Gym class.. -Locker rooms. -Un-supportive parents? Nothing you can do about it. -haters.. -People still using your birth name either because they always have or they are assholes. -Friends that know your trans* but STILL use wrong pronouns. -trans* phobic people >.< -Can't get Top Surgery yet. -The feeling of being alone...
    1 point
  3. Febuary 7, 2013 So I don't know if anyone else here is still in high school but it is such a hard place to be when you are transgender. It's hard and very few people are there to support, if any. My experience in high school hasn't been easy at all. I feel like I'm alone. My GSA is helpful, but even there I don't really feel right. Everyone there identifies as Gay,Lesbian,Pansexual, or Bisexual. There is one other who identifies as trans, but i believe this is just to either get attention, or perhaps the individual is unsure about who they are. They are not completely right in the head, and I don't mean that I don't believe them, but the fact that they wear just tank tops to school, revealing their chest, and all female clothes.... it makes me wonder. In a way, it angers me. But besides that, I don't feel like there is really anyone i can talk to about this, I have my girlfriend, who is completely supportive, but it's not the same as actually having another trans person to talk to. I have recently started coming out to more people, one person being the co-adviser of the school's GSA, he was of course really supportive but also had a lot of questions, which i was very happy to answer! I will probably Make another post about more complications with being trans* in high school; I don't want this getting too long. Thank you for reading!
    1 point
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