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  1. I have written multiple times about dilation in regards to lots of lube and yes, pain. Recently, five months after reassignment surgery I am down to a drop of lube the size of a quarter and finding intimate encounters are much better than dilation. When one has intercourse for at least 15 minutes this counts to one session of dilation. I am 90 percent into females and the remainder into couples. I became friends with a couple that had nothing to do with sex but after time did and do enjoy a threesome. The upside to using less lube is Takes less time to dilateMuch less time to clean upFeels good to push a dilator inside seamlessly.For me, I have an excess of lube.So for those taking this journey I want you to know it does get better even though the first month or so you will want to quit which does you no good as things will close up and be left with no opening. Another thing I have noticed is there is more moisture and natural lubrication especially when aroused. I am still waiting for the ability to have a complete orgasm where at this point it's fairly intense and last a long time but feel it's not fully there yet and have heard from others it take between eight and twelve months.
    3 points
  2. Happy Monday good people! On Friday I went and had my tests done for HRT. Assuming they all come through ok then I'm on my way, my next appointment with the endocrinologist is August 6 (though if they notify me before that that everything is ok I might try for an earlier appointment). My sense of peace and contentment grows by the minute! Currently it's just the possibility that something will come back negative on the tests that causes me any anxiety. Electrolyis is going wonderfully! I've had 6 or 7 sessions now, and the change is already very noticeable. When I shave in the morning there is so much less to shave! I think we're 4 or 5 sessions from doing the initial clearing. I had done some at-home laser before starting, so that might be making it go a little quicker. My electrologist also gave me a good pointer on working with my voice this past week, so I spent some time over the weekend practicing at home (it takes a little effort to not feel weird talking to myself, so I start out talking to the cat, because that's perfectly normal!) On Saturday I put on my new wig and decided to leave it on the rest of the day to start getting used to it. It was fine until I ate dinner. I hadn't pinned it at all, so that's when it started to slip off. I think put in a few bobby pins and that seems to secure it nicely. I'm going to try working with wig tape as well. I had planned to "unveil" myself as a woman on July 27 (the Monday after I'm off of work for a week), but electrolysis is making me think twice. I'm still at a point where I have to not shave a couple of days before each session, and I'm not sure how I feel about how I'd look wearing a wig with stubble. I'll play with that next week when I'm off and see. I do plan next week to wear the wig out as much as possible! xoxo Christie
    2 points
  3. Hmmmm stubble's a bu**er...........isn't it? I just don't shave on the morning of my appointment, so there's not much growth to be seen. My electrologist also complains about the shortness of my facial hair, but I have appointments at work and so forth, that I have to attend on the previous day, & I don't want to do a convincing impersonation of the bearded woman ! I'm amazed at the quick progress that you seem to be having, I have been attending half hour sessions most weeks for over a year now, it seems to be a very gradual process, but it seems to be a lot less tougher than it used to be, and moustache has all but dissapeared..............double g, by the way LoL. Good luck with the hormone tests. Cheers, Eve
    2 points
  4. Karen, I strongly second Veronica's comments, I had been trying (subconciously) to compartmentalize my gender and sexuality "issues." Part of my thinking (when it popped up into the conscious) was that I didn't want sexuality to impact my decision-making in terms of proceeding on this journey. But of course it is relevant whether I choose to actively think about it or not! I think now that I'm in a much more comfortable place in terms of transitioning it's easier to let it go. What's also interesting is the sense that my sexual orientation is (possibly, probably?) shifting. Previously I considered myself a "gay male" with some slight bisexual interests. As I move along in this transition I can see the possibility of being completely bisexual. One hypothesis (I won't misuse "theory" like the religious right likes to do with it's creationist "theory") is that as I see myself more and more as a woman it's easier to imagine being in a relationship with another woman, someone I can better relate to. That's speculation though :-) At this moment the idea of dating and/or sex is barely, if at all, on my radar. Thank you again for another informative post! xoxo Christie
    2 points
  5. I mentioned in my last blog entry that my wife and I were going to attend the annual "Sparkle" event in Manchester, and we did on the 11th July. There were all sorts from the totally convincing and beautiful, to the not so convincing just out for a bit of fun over the week-end. The event was held at Sackville Gardens, which is located opposite Manchesters Canal Street which is the heart of their Gay Quarter. There are numerous bars along tree lined Canal Street with outside patio seating next to the canal. The following photo's are of an amazing Manchester Police car, the emergency lights were all the colours of the rainbow! The police had their own stand at the event manned by L & G officers, showing just how inclusive Manchester society has become. The other photo's are of my wife, two of my best friends and myself enjoying a drink in a very nice pub called Molly's. I don't know why the photo's have displayed in reverse order ! I hope that the rest of you TG members also had a good week-end.......................... Cheers, Eve
    1 point
  6. Christie, you sound like you are well on your way! I started HRT and feel much better, but it is an adjustment emotionally. If you have any questions or need anyone to talk to, just message me. Even though there are a lot of similarities, all of our lives and stories are unique. Choose your path based on the best information available and have no regrets. You are "who you are" and are "where you are" for good reason.
    1 point
  7. I've been doing hour long sessions, that and the prior laser treatment might explain the difference. For the next 2 weeks my schedule should allow for me to let it go a little longer before the sessions, so she should be happy with that It's funny that it definitely does hurt, but I seemingly don't care - I've never once asked her to stop for a break, and I'm always disappointed when the session ends! I don't think my pain tolerance is that high, on the other hand I have gotten 4 tattoos, so perhaps...
    1 point
  8. I meant to add that your choice in subject line was wonderful, I couldn't pass up an entry titled "keeping the vagina as it should be"
    1 point
  9. Thanks Karen this helps me to get the "ducks in line before shooting them", sometime in the future. Sexuality? I must confess that I'm becoming confused with the passing of time, in so much that, seemingly to me, my preferences are not so black and white as they used to be. I don't think that this anything that I either regret or applaud, it's just something that seems to be happening, I doubt that I'll ever do anything positive about it either, least not whilst I remain happily married. Cheers, Eve
    1 point
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