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Transgender Message Forum


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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Welcome Sandra :)

  2. Welcome Michelle :)

  3. Welcome Susanna :)

  4. No worries about procrastination around here. Thanks for posting your blog. :)
  5. I like your profile background :)

    1. Julien


      Thank you :) It's one of my favorite albums :)

  6. Thank you for sharing your journey in the TGGuide blogs. It's great to have you here. :)

    1. JanusTrepide


      Thanks. The writing has been helping me sort through and organize some cloudy issues. You all are great. This is a very very helpful resource!

  7. I think it is helpful to think of gender identity as a continuum with extremely male and extremely female on each end. Most of us find that we fit in somewhere in between. Dr Cerise Richards spoke about the transgender continuum during her keynote speech at the 2010 Fantasia Fair: http://web.me.com/ceriserichards/TRANSGENDER_CONTINUUM/FANTASIA_FAIR_KEYNOTE.html We're all unique and have to determine where we fit in on the transgender continuum. An experienced therapist can help with this.
  8. I recall having sleep problems as I wrestled with all the gender issues back in transition. I still have sleep problems but for different reasons these days. I find that if I take a Melatonin (a natural compound found in the market's vitamin section) that I am usually able to fall asleep and stay asleep.
  9. Lori


    Sending you hugs with best wishes for strength, happiness and success. :)
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