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Transgender Message Forum


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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Dropped by to say hello :)

  2. Welcome :)

    1. deglerious


      Thanks, I'm still getting the hang of things here and will eventually post something relevant, like an introduction. In a nutshell, I'm here for information on cross-dressing.

  3. Dropped by to say hello :)

  4. The past doesn't equal the present or the future. Stay strong friend and others will learn by your example. :)
  5. Thanks for sharing your story. We can all relate to elements of your experiences so you're among friends here. May you find your place on the transgender spectrum, along with happiness and fulfillment in life. :)
  6. Thank you for sharing on your blog. Well, your life is certainly not a waste. As you know, many of us share some similar experiences. I remember wearing a girls blouse to school. I must have been in first grade. I didn't even know it was a girls blouse, but the kids at school did. While I didn't get beat up, I was ridiculed and learned a quick lesson about the risk of nonconformity.
  7. Dropped by to say hi Tracy :)

  8. Lori

    Dropped by to say hi Alex. :)

  9. Great to see you Melanie! :)

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