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Transgender Message Forum


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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Happy Birthday Andi!!

  2. Happy Birthday!!

  3. Lori

    Happy Birthday to you!

  4. Happy Birthday Sarah!

  5. Happy Birthday to you!

  6. Happy Birthday!

  7. Happy Birthday!!

  8. Lori

    Good luck on the new start. :)

  9. Lori


    I think you should be able to pass as long as you stay age appropriate. Your physique looks very good and that is quite helpful, though it isn't absolutely necessary for passing. I think the most important part of passing is just believing that you can and going out with confidence. And if ever you don't pass (perhaps someone makes a remark or you can tell by their body language) ask yourself what they read so you can improve upon it. Getting out with supportive friends in a tolerant environment (such as a LGBT nightclub) can help you polish your presentation. I'd like to hear others' comments.
  10. Lori

    Happy Birthday!

  11. Happy Birthday!

  12. Happy Birthday!

  13. Happy Birthday!

  14. Lori

    Happy Birthday!

  15. Lori

    Welcome to TGGuide :)

  16. Happy Birthday Dixie!

  17. Lori

    Happy Birthday!

  18. Lori

    70+sleeps to GRS

    Caroline Cossey "Tula" was an inspiration to me also. Best of luck. Please let us know how everything goes for you. :)
  19. Wow Dana, thank you for sharing this insightful struggle. Being transgender is a tough road and we all have to find our way through the complications, especially relating to family. I found that having a strong support network including my therapist, mother, friends and a local TG support group helped me work through the maze. Online resources weren't even available at that time. It was one step at a time and sometimes the going got tough, but it worked out pretty well in the end. My best wishes for you. I hope you have the support you need.
  20. Happy Birthday Sophie! :)

  21. Lori

    Happy Birthday!

  22. Good luck with the family Dainna :)

  23. Congrats Beth :)

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