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Everything posted by Dawn13

  1. Was working as a poll worker, wore unisex clothing, for the election and most of of my co-poll-workers and voters called me mam the entire night.  When I corrected them I got replies of disbelief all night, as well as one of my coworkers saying I was "too beautiful" (to be a man) As well as one saying I looked so "thin and fit" (feminine looking).  I would have rather have not let anyone know I was transgender - as always I just want to blend in.

  2. Over 50,000 views almost 60,000 - I do wonder what people are liking on my pages.  My photos or my comments? I thought I had posted the latest experience I had at a Walmart and a Lowe's. (But looks like it might not have loaded) I was looking for an stand alone air conditioner unit to help with the home cooling and I stopped and asked a store clerk to help, she knew the department rep who was with two other sales clerks and asked him to help me.  "Can you help this lady"  The male sales person then helped me find the unit I was needed.  I know he was reading me as female so he helped me load it in my shopping cart.  Then after I had purchased it I was in the parking lot trying to put it in the car and I could not lift it.  It was really too heavy for me and a man pulled up beside me and asked to help.  Rather than do a two person lift with me he just picked it up and put it in my car.  Boy did I feel feminine with his masculine strength showing to me.  I said thank you.  I know years ago I could have lifted the box but I am definitely much weaker and softer now.  I was dressed unisex but I guess my femininity was mostly noticed.  I then had a short stop at Walmart and the bag boy said to me have a good day mam.  (One of my latest photos below with my new Minnie Run Disney Jogging outfit)


  3. Dawn13

    Part 3 Being a Man

    I too love Bambi. So hard to see me shooting a deer except with my camera. - I wear a bra all the time now except when I swim. Most of the time, I don't care if the bra straps are seen but I also have some bras that show more like a tank undershirt would. Yes - I am all for you - wear what you want and be who you are.
  4. Twice today I was told I needed to go to the women's bathroom by a woman waiting outside the men's bathroom = that I was " your going into the wrong bathroom." "The women's bathroom is over there." Everything seems to be coming together for me lately.  Day-to-day even when I really am not even trying to look feminine I still am believed to be a woman. My body language as well as my overall looks must be saying woman. This actually gives me comfort as this is really how I feel. So refreshing. :)

  5. My latest trip to get a pedicure resulted in these toes.  Very seasonal - but will need to be changed before Christmas. :) 

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    1. MonicaPz


      Dawn, they're cute as a button! Happy Hallowe'en!!

  6. I just remembered a salesperson who came to our house a few weeks ago, as I opened the door, he called be by my wife's name and said to me "can I speak to the man of the house" I was in unisex house clothes and was not dressed up in any particular way, I had to explain he needed to talk to me.  Wow!

  7. Stopped for a couple of photos during a recent 5 mile run.  Was a really fun run in my Running Skirts outfit. My wife said just yesterday that my arms really looked even "thinner and smaller; almost no muscle" Yes looked feminine. Dawn :)


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    1. MonicaPz


      Dawn, you look like a well-proprtioned woman runner!

    2. MonicaPz


      Deni, I used to love to bicycle. I biked 2 miles each way to my high school in Dunedin, Florida. I was on the 2 mile mark where I could choose to bike/walk to school or take the bus. Also, I sometimes biked to work if it was 2 miles or less.  🚲

  8. Celebrating my Birthday with "my Girls"  One of my nicest birthday gifts was a new summer mesh bra and panty set from Third Love (My favorite on line store)  Just love the bra fit and how it shapes my breasts.  I highly recommend this company for any of you all.  They have helped me size my boobs as well as my hips/other measurements and they now have my sizes and measurements on file.  They often send me suggestions and they have almost been right and I love the selections and how they help make me feel sexy, feminine, self assured and confident.  Again my favorite on line store.  Dawn

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    1. Dawn13


      Hello Monica, You mentioned a while back you thought my bra size should be a B; larger than the A+ bra I was wearing above, just a year ago.  As of just last week, I tried this bra on again and I am now larger.  Most noticable = increased breast size on the sides.  I am still growing and I thought I was done.  Slow and sutile but expanding. :) I actually like this surprise. Dawn

  9. My new tennis dress - I just love it and it fits so well - my diet and herbal hormones have really done their work - almost 143 pounds of thin feminine toned body - this is all me, nothing added on top - so easy to slide around in this dress as I stretch out on the court. :)

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  10. Amazing what a new sports top and sports support bra does for your confidence.  Was hiking in some beautiful weather and felt wonderful as I met several other hikers, all encouraging me on the way.  One guy passing me said. "Way to go gal."  Post workout weigh-in also included in this.  Still 8+ pounds to lose.  But who is counting. :)



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    1. MonicaPz


      Dawn, you have very feminine feet!

    2. Dawn13


      Thanks Monica,  I wear women's athletic shoes mostly as my foot is very narrow; yes actually is the shape of a woman's.  This is true throughout my body.  I have almost the entire bone structure of a woman, (extremely small hands, knee and hip displacement of a woman, small feminine sized and shaped skull, arm length matches a woman's) and if I had not gone through male puberty likly my hips would have never closed so I could have had a baby structurally.  These are the reasons I think I am intersexed.  Something happened to me in the womb.  My brain is a woman's brain and my body stayed mostly female.  Well I am more in-line to this self now.  Again Thanks.  Dawn

  11. Just completed a bit of a photo shoot.  NEW - Three brand new, current styles, dresses: two new third love bras and panties: new sexy long wig and a new more feminine body (Herbals have really done their job).  Lost over 10 more pounds on the way to 135 and I am undergoing several (six) facial procedures.  Just love my new look.  Still a way to go.  Thanks for all the group encouragement.  A seek peak of my latest 50 photos just taken below. :)


  12. Here is my quick sneak photos of my Jen Costume (Dark Chrystal)  OK maybe a bit more - I will be in a costume contest and will be wearing the modified version in a 5K race for Halloween.  This is actually a guys costume - but I find it to be quite feminine.  Maybe it is because I am in it. --  Second thought - I have just started to do Cosplay and hope to really be able to expand my imagination with some new costume adventures, this could lead to. :)






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  13. Loving being a woman.  Most people now see me as female - passing very well.  Just was out shopping two days ago.  There I was, checking out of a Kroger and a guy said let "Her" go ahead" referring to me.  On this same shopping trip, I actually had a store clerk ask me if the credit card I was using was mine.  It is almost more embarrassing to tell her it was me. (Male Name). Then she told me the discounted women's items I bought looked really nice and was a really good deal and that she might like them also.  She also asked if the women's tops and shorts I had picked out were comfortable to wear.  As I was just buying them I told the her I thought so. Dawn :)

  14. 40.000 views - a milestone - again so much has changed since I joined in 2009.  Physically, mentally and even in some respects spiritually.  I feel so much freer to be myself.  Still Wondering where the rest of my life will lead. :)


  15. Had a wonderful day yesterday at the Hair and Spa Salon that I go to - really is a highlight of my month as I usually come out feeling so beautiful.  (Nails, wax, hair and toes) My wife told me to enjoy my good "Girly Girly" Time.  My real hair is the big winner this time.  Now passing shoulder length toward arm pit length.  (My Goal is bra strap length and I only need three more inches to get there). :)


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    1. MonicaPz


      Dear Dawn,

      Love your blue outfit as well as your hair.

      Growing up, my hair grew to half-way down my back (my term instead of "bra-strap" length.

      Length of hair is predetermined by genetics. Look to the maximum hair length of your mother and sisters to have an idea how long your hair can grow.

      Yours in Sisterhood,


  16. The problem with this or any costume I put together is I still need to be able to run. Was looking at tights today that I could substitute for the pants provided for the base Dark Crystal costume that I just ordered. I am planning to do the Jen costume for this one - that is very unisex, actually quite feminine, and is very striking if I can pull it off.
  17. Fun-Run - Letting my hair out as I took a wonderful fitness run on a forest path yesterday.  I just got some really neat tights, great for path running, that I wore for the first time that had a functional pocket for my cell phone.  So with just a little of a tuck below I was off in this wonderfully feminine running outfit.  I also made sure I smelled good to those I passed, with some of my favorite perfume on.  I met about a dozen hikers and runners on the trail all speaking words of encouragement or just saying hello.  Beautiful day out - yes - experiencing womanhood.  :)




  18. Just ordered a Dark Crystal Costume - Was starting to think about doing Minions also. With every costume I get I always modify it so I can run the Halloween Race called Ghost and Goblins.
  19. Here is another costume that I wore a few years ago. Avatar. Now that I have another Halloween coming will need a new costume to wear. I was thinking the Dark Crystal as my theme for this year, but may go with something else. looking for Ideas? Dawn
  20. Hello everyone - Lots of updates - I just took a couple of pictures of me in my new Arctic Cool women's running outfit that I got as a  birthday gift.  My wife said the fit was snug and I really "looked very feminine" in this running outfit and she was a bit concerned that I was in danger as it was getting into the evening hours when I went out to run.  There was a female jogger attacked a few weeks ago near a park I like to jog at.  So I tried to stay away from any known potential areas of concern.  Yes I was safe.  Also, for my birthday I got two new very stylish Catalina Bikinis Swimsuits with matching Swim Skirts; I cannot wait to wear them to the beach; likely on my next trip to Florida ......  Some great new news I just got my first Botox treatment and I am doing a whole array of face fillers, skin resurfacing and surgical level skin treatments -  yes kind of expensive treatments - everything that can be accomplished with today's technology below doing a full face lift is being accomplished.  My clinic rep said I could/probably would  look as much as 20 years younger when this is finished and of course I have always had a feminine looking face so I think this aspect will be enhanced greatly.  I will report the success as I finish all of the treatments.  Dawn :)



    1. Dawn13


      Recently finished a lip filler procedure to finish all of the first round of facial improvements. (So far I have done about 10 procedures) For my lips, it was hard to believe these are my lips, so sexy looking, as they are now about 1/3 larger. One more Botox treatment and my facial treatments will be completed until refreshing next year.  Then, I have done every major treatment for the face that Ideal Image provides.  The results will be most evident in the next three weeks.  Photo time then.  --- Today I was called mam while waiting in line at Lowe's.  Then I answered the door today and the service man thought I was the wife of the house. (This one I had to clarify)  I normally do not correct anyone anymore.  Just go with the flow that I am typed as a woman. Yeah! :)

  21. My experience at the Beauty Salon yesterday was really great this time - maybe even greater that several other recent visits.  I really love to relate this to everyone; experiencing a day as a woman is always exciting and comforting to me.

    Starting out my stylist told me she really liked my outfit.  It was very sporty, shorts and top were color coordinated and my bra was exposed at the neck line.  As we started the pedicure she noticed my smoothly shaved legs.  More than once she has told me I have near perfect legs and one other stylist in the salon said she wished she had my legs (Pretty, toned and feminine). in the salon It is amazing how much girl talk I have with her as I am sure see sees me and maybe even believes I am a woman she is making beautiful.  I know most people who just come in to the salon think of me as another woman/girl sitting in the stylist chairs.  

    As I had been having trouble with my pony tail bands breaking my hair; I had gotten new bands and the breaking had mostly ended.  This was the day my hair length had finally evened out after almost three months of growth.  Now with it even again I am hoping to grow it even longer.  Mid-back is my goal.  (Photos below.)

    My stylist really worked hard on my pedicure, this time, and I think my toe color is the nicest I have ever had.  She pulled all of the stops making my toes as feminine looking as possible.  The look - She gave my toes a nautical look, sea blue with teal highlights for the beach with five starfishes added to my beautiful multicolored toes.  I really like showing off my toes now.

    Of course she waxed my brows - femininely arched.

    My stylist took several photos of her handwork so I could compare what I looked like months ago.  My hair and toes.  (Photos below.) I walked out of there very much the primped woman.  Yes, I enjoy being made feminine.  Felt like an even neater experience this time. 

    After I finished at the salon I had to take a coupe of photos to let everyone see. For this I went to a park a few blocks away. ((Photos below.)I always like comments)I then went to the post office and the first comment I got from a lady there was "you really look cute."  I thanked her  Then I went to Rural King to get bird seed and to a local farmers market.  I was called mam twice as I purchased several items. 

    As I said I really appreciate comments - thanks for being my friend - love and kisses to all - Dawn


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    1. Dawn13


      My favorite photo from my photo shoot yesterday - Yes a lady said I "looked cute."


    2. MonicaPz


      Dawn, you're cute as a button, as my mother would say, may G_D rest her soul!

  22. Another day at the transformation spa.  Pedicure already finished.  Best toe look ever.


    1. MonicaPz


      Dawn, I think blue is your favorite color - mine, too!


  23. Getting girlified right now - pedicure, brow wax and cut and color.  The full treatment.  Love it. :)  Post Salon - Attached is sporting my post salon look + a new top from Kohl's; gift from my wife.  Felt very beautiful and feminized when I left today - Was called "mam" at a security gate I had to go through; would not have expected otherwise. :)





    1. MonicaPz


      Dawn, every woman loves the "spa treatment"!

  24. Is important to note I won the contest - $50 - Just neat to be affirmed and yes as a woman.
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