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About Melanie7575

  • Birthday 04/17/1981

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  1. Great to see you Melanie! :)

  2. Gosh girl, life is such a precious thing ... this is a hard but so worthwhile journey.

  3. Gosh girl, life is such a precious thing ... this is a hard but so worthwhile journey.

  4. Havn't seen anything from you in a while, hope everything is well :)

  5. Havn't seen anything from you in a while, hope everything is well :)

  6. The goddess has truly smiled. Blessed Be Melanie x
  7. Ok I'll be mulder. O n the condition, I get abducted by aliens, they remove my brain and implant t nto the body of an 18 year old female supermodel they abducted previously =)
  8. Mulder and Scully...............
  9. It seems we have quite a bit n common x
  10. It seems to me that in african/carribean race ( especially the young )there is a lot of prejudice against Trans people. I know this to be true as my wife is african/carribean decent. I know also that young white people are more accepting of LGBT. I hang around with a lot of " socially/financially poor " people and have friends and to me they value friendship and loyalty over what's between you legs. But that is only my limited experience so far.
  11. Did you have friends with you on the bus?
  12. I also noticed the people on the bus didn't seem impressed when they were trying to " out " you!! Did anyone stand up for you?
  13. Yes, Pippa's dress was much better, apparently all eyes were on Pippa.
  14. Just watched him flick his westside/westcoast symbol. Idiots reign supreme on the underground. Blessed Be Melanie
  15. Excellent Caroline, where they Chavs by any chance?
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