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About tbirdgal

  • Birthday 12/01/1950

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  • Yahoo

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Interests
    writing, photography, history. archecture, service station stuff, decent coffee

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  1. Wishing you a very happy birthday Ellen! (((HUGS)))

    1. tbirdgal


      Lori, first thank you much. being as I'm on a fixed income , my son and I will celebrate at an Italian restaurant we like and have our weekly old car cruise ins at tomorrow .

  2. Happy Birthday, Ellen. -- Michael

    1. tbirdgal


      Michael , thank you so much ! ellen

  3. tbirdgal


    That's B S hon. You area child of God , period ! You have every right to a life as any NON- Gay person , regardless iffin yer Gay, or even an alien like me . Uh the alien story is for another time .
  4. My goodness , yes ! ellen
  5. Cute story ! ellen
  6. T D O R , a memorial or should we use it for another reason ?

    1. Susane


      Perhaps we should use it to remind others that we wont go away!

  7. trying to get my medical insurance to pay a claim

    1. Lori


      Good luck with that. Insurance companies can be hard to deal with. Shouldn't be that way, but it is.

    2. Calista


      Good Luck, Ellen. I used to work for an insurance company, They didn't like paying out!

  8. Well, bein as I'm back here in "DA LAN DAT TIME FERGOT", Richmond Va , ain't much goin on here . It you want any kind of major transaction, no pun intended , ya gots to go to Dee- Cee. I used to live briefly in the District , I hated it . Traffic , foriners , the cost of living . I feel for ya dear ... Thanks for sharing the story !
  9. For me , I get harrassed all the time over my comments by BOTH sides , ( Liberal and Conservative ) I consider myself a Texas Libertarian , actually , a Constitutionalist . One of my heros , Mr. Thomas Jefferson has always been sort of a mentor to me . I support Gay marage , I support Choice and as small a Government as can be gotten away with . The reason is because i have lived in both Virginia and California and Texas . I have found the Overbearing regemes in both Ca. and Va. to be repressive . I'm not saying Texas is a utopia either . still, I at least feel like a U S citizen in that state .....
  10. You can be accosted any time any where . I was almost accosted on the side of a 7-11 store at 8:30 AM . Don't tell me , it only happens in isolated areas ................
  11. Hi Ellen :) it is nice to see a photo, I've been enjoying your additions in the forums.

  12. Plauge , ya are who ya is . I say that cause we all are unique , regardless of what we try to be . We bring different talents to the table . We bring our opinions however varied too. I find mature individuals shoukld be strong enough to recognize differences and allow for a varence of thought . From here , we seek a truth .........
  13. Nice to see your picture! :)

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