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Status Updates posted by Susane

  1. I telephoned the Gender Identity Clinic today. Now I just have to wait for my appointment! I am so excited!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. minyteTX


      Good luck Susane, I have my apt next month. I'm so looking forward to it.

    3. Susane


      It will take a while to come through. But I will keep pestering them.

    4. tbirdgal


      Damn Susane , I BET YA ARE !!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I changed my profile picture. Kind of by mistake!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. UsernameOptional


      Wish some of my mistakes turned out so well...

    3. PlagueBubonic


      I know right !! XD When I goof-up disaster follows >.<

      However your pic is stunning!!

    4. Susane


      Thanks Tristina.

  3. Hi it's been a few weeks since I had the chance to sign in. I've had a lot of exciting things going on. I'm nearly full time now and I signed up to the transition support service. God I am so happy.

    1. UsernameOptional


      Congrats, Susane...and nice to see you around again. =)

    2. Lori


      Wonderful news. Glad to see you here. :)

    3. LynneaUrania


      Living as you truly are in a truly beautiful country like yours is heavenly. Blessings

  4. I came out to my landlord today. He was totaly cool about it and told me his sonin New Jersey has a transgender FTM partner.

    1. Lori


      Wow, that's great!

    2. MsBeth


      Awesome Susane :)

  5. I had to spend the weekend in ATS clothes. I had serious withdrawal.

    1. UsernameOptional


      No doubt that was a bummer. I literally have panic attacks if I know i"m going to have to wear ATSC. Glad it's rare.

    2. tbirdgal


      I feel fer ya dear ........

  6. Just had my first IPL/laser treatment. Can't wait for the results to show. It takes a week or so apparently.

    1. Lori


      Nice! Keep us updated on your progress. Wishing you best of luck with the results.

    2. PlagueBubonic
  7. Just got back from my jaunt. Michael I had Bratwusrst

  8. I'm coming out on Saturday. I can't sleep with the excitement. I can't wait. I'm sure there will be tears, mine and hers, and happiness I hope.

    1. UsernameOptional


      Good Luck, Susane, but I'm sure you'll do fine.

    2. Lori


      Best of luck to you Susane. :)

  9. Just had chocolate brownie flavoured drinking chocolate. Perhaps there is a God after all!

    1. tbirdgal


      Good ole Yahoo choclate drink !

    2. UsernameOptional


      Heh-heh-hehhhhhhh... good stuff =D

  10. I came out to my estranged wife last Saturday. She was incredibly supportive and and understanding. She said I should be proud of myself.

    1. UsernameOptional


      Congrats, Susane. I'm glad sharing with your wife went well.

    2. tbirdgal


      How many times have I said being Trans is something to be proud of ?

  11. So very happy at long last. I feel like a fool though, I could have been this happy years ago.

    1. Lori


      I remember feeling the same way, but it's never too late to be true to yourself. :)

  12. I've just had the skin test for my laser treatment tomorrow. Hopefully no reaction.

  13. Going to gay Paris and then onto Bavaria for the weekend!

    1. UsernameOptional


      When U get 2 Bavaria, have some bratwurst, broetchen and a good bier for me!! Better yet, if you can find a way...EMAIL THEM TO ME! LOL =)

  14. Feeling realy good today. The weather is nice and cold and sunny. Just how I like it. It's great to be alive.

  15. Went to my new meet-up group today.

  16. Had a visit to the waxing salon today. We discussed IPL facial hair removal. I'm going to do it!

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