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Blog Comments posted by Dawn13

  1. I too love Bambi.  So hard to see me shooting a deer except with my camera. - I wear a bra all the time now except when I swim. Most of the time, I don't care if the bra straps are seen but I also have some bras that show more like a tank undershirt would.  Yes - I am all for you - wear what you want and be who you are. :)


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  2. For the first time I am seeing some solid data that shows that I am indeed likely inter-sexed.  1.2 ratio is so far on the right of the scale/off scale - My hand size and shape does support my past thoughts that both my brain and body received a good dose of the womb wash intended to go with me becoming female.  This ratio I received was even way more than a normal female.  Notable traits I have include arm length, hips, foot size/width, mouth and face size and overall bone structure; knee angles, etch, are those of a woman that later was dosed with testosterone.   I have been measured several times and remember once being told my bones measurements matched several women and that I had a Q angle in my knee that is almost always a woman,s trait. There are also several syndromes that could also explain my body size and structure being mostly female. 

    Here is a  photo from a few days ago of me wearing a running outfit that I had not worn in years.  I have actually slimmed down to where it is fitting me so much better so I felt comfortable in wearing it again.  I think , my arms are now really showing the effect of the Feungreek.  Much softer and smaller.  But maybe I was predisposed to this anyway as my hand ratio may support.  :)




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  3. 220px-Hand_photograph_dorsal1_copy.jpg  How to measure - My ratio is 1.2 (Off the scale female) Raina try to measure this way.  When I tried to eyeball my finger length I thought they were almost the same.  But using this method I really was able to see the difference. :)  Again - Image shows the measurement procedure of dorsal digit length using vernier calipers. The hand is placed on the edge of a table so that fingers are rested on table while making an angle of 90 degrees to the palm.

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  4. Hello Emily,

    I too have gender dysphoria and my wife has various boundaries with me these days. 

    Daily I dress unisex in my look. I do wear bras and panties.  I actually need the bras now as I am almost a size B. Most of my new clothes that I purchase are from the woman's sections and can be worn as unisex.  Mostly I am coded as female but new people I meet.  Anyway I now feel good in my skin. 

    But to go further and my wife also would be quite unhappy and we could/would end up breaking up over this.  Yes a fine line - one of acceptance and freedom versus going all of the way with additional hormones and sex change. 

    Wish you the best. :)  Dawn


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  5. Hello Monica,  You are right - losing or managing weight is a newer society norm and a major cause for shame.  It is unjustified. I actually like to eat and if I am not careful 20 pounds come on me fast.  I have noticed when I am close to 140lbs or less - everyone treats me differently; holding doors and asking to help me with heavy bags - my height of 5' 7" I cannot change - but I have looked at the last set of photos where I managed to get my weight to 138 and I really seemed beyond skinny.  (maybe unhealthy so)  When I was just a bit heavier about 143 my body looked softer.  Too much weight loss really can be bad - But we were talking about height on this segment.  More soon.

    Weight Diff.jpg

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  6. Jessicatoyou and ScottishDeeDee,

    Thanks for your comments.  I am getting a lot out of your call to honesty.

    For me, my wife has been really strict in our boundaries - she has to also feel good in her skin and has often told me I rival her.  She is actually quite supportive of the physical changes I have made so far as she has helped me select unisex/women's outfits and undergarments.  Funny - she often helps me wear the right bras - making sure that I do not have my straps showing.  Anyway, I do love her dearly and this love is stronger than my need to fully transition now or anytime soon. 

    Also for me there are my children and grandchildren to have concerns for.  Being transgender actually runs in my family as one of my cousins recently transitioned from FtoM.  I am very supportive of him.  For the most part I do not lose sleep over not fully being a woman. 

    Had I known what I know now I would have transitioned as a youth.  Of course my Dad would have tried to stop me I am quite sure - but I never figured out this need or even the possibility of a change when I was younger.  This is where in my life it would have made this most sense for me to transition.  Also knowing I could never function fully as a woman, with ovaries, able to have my own children, has kept me from pushing further with a change.  I know the science on this is moving forward but is not there yet.

    Because am inter-sexed in my body.  Writing about this in my blog.  Over half of my physical attributes fit a woman's body build. So I am able to pass most of the time and actually feel fulfilled when people hold the door for me or call me mam.

    This is where I am - I do not go out of my way - but now it seems more natural for me to go out completely in women's (Leaning Unisex) clothing and physically looking and feeling female.

    Is late here - thanks for starting this blog item - Dawn :)






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  7. Hello Jessica - You are so courageous.  There are several of my family members who do not know I am Transgender.  I actually have fear of hurting them and I do love them - this is my tight rope.  Most of my family who really count, do know I am transgender and most of the time I openly dress in unisex women's sportswear and undergarments, even when in unisex/boy mode.  If someone sees me for the first time and does not know me, no matter what I wear, they almost always code me as female. (Calling me Mam, Lady, Babe) I am comfortable with this but TELLING/ANNOUNCING to everyone that I am a woman in a mans body and that I like living as a woman - this has been something I currently could not do.  So as I said I respect your ability to be totally honest in this respect.  Love and friendship to you - Dawn

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  8. Another great day of being mistaken occurred while I was on a trip driving to VA.  I really think most people now see me as female most of the time no matter what I am wearing.  I went into a restroom at the road side stop.  Men's of course.  As I was washing my hands I saw through the mirror a young man come in,  He immediately paused as he was looking at my backside.  He turned and went out and looked at the door to determine if he was in the right bathroom.  He then came in and quickly went into a stall.  I know I had embarrassed him as he thought I was a girl. (I did have a pony tail and earrings on as well as girls/unisex sports wear and now I always wear a bra but for the most part it cannot be seen) I then quickly exited the rest room. Back to where no one would know I am not a girl.

    Couple of photos of my growing hair below.

    Hair 2.jpg


  9. Today I was called "she and her " twice.  I was at a Rural King getting birdfeed and the teller first after looking me over asked if I needed help unloading.  I told her that I could handle the heavy bags - because I was able to put them in the cart.  Then another teller came over and started to put the feed bags in my cart.  She said I " just wanted to help her." (Me)  Then I muttered something but did not mention I was a he.  She said again "I thought she needed help."  The other lady was heavy built with large arms and she must have seen my thin feminine looking arms and possibly that I was wearing a bra, I actually need one now, and she must have thought I really needed help handling the heavy bags.  Made my day!  Dawn


    Just added one of my never posted shots from when I weighted about 138.  I hope to get back to that weight soon.

    Dawn 2018 post.jpg

  10. Just two days ago I was eating breakfast at Panera and was called to pick up my/our order "Mam here is your order" and moments later a second employee said "how are you ladies doing."  My wife was with me and made the second employee see that I was her husband.  This second employee seemed a bit embarrassed and then went on to explain the confusion; said it was my beautiful blond curly hair and my hat/head visor. My wife asked was it my two earrings and this lady said "no." Then see looked at my eyes, said they were beautiful and asked "if they were really mine" = really - then she told me I was "gorgeous."  Wow it was almost too much to take in.  Almost too much feminine attention for me in one day - Dawn

    Dawn 5.jpg

  11. JeffDad and All,

    I am a happy person most of the time and I have not transitioned.  I am recognized as female often without trying to go out of my way to dress and look female.  Still I do fully understand Usernameoptional and for many/ maybe most the transition will help.  See https://www.thesun.co.uk/archives/reallife/888347/two-years-ago-arin-was-a-girl-called-emerald-and-girlfriend-katie-was-a-boy-named-luke/  Arin Andrews is the example I most often think of as a good example with the most positive results when I think of female to male changes.

    But of course life is not simply made of gender.  So many aspects.  Really love is the main thing - go's so far beyond the sex we are or have been born with. 

    One of my cousins took the courage to transition to being a male.  He seems very happy now and we are becoming friends again now that I have learned of his change (Friends first).  Yes, I was surprised and at first did not know how to take it/respond.  This does make it easier to let him know I too am transgendered; just in the opposite direction.

    let me know if I can clarify anything - I definitely do not think changing sex will solve everything and in fact it could make things worse, as other underlining issues may be part of what is occurring.

    In my life role I have been a scientist/analyst.



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