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Everything posted by PlagueBubonic

  1. It's Offical Today I'm recognized as a Woman by the authorities.. XD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RachelWillis


      Aawwwwwwwwww Thanks , BTW just call me Rach , everyone always does :)

    3. PlagueBubonic


      Thank you Ms. Rach ;) ..and I will from here on out my dear

    4. Lori


      Congrats Plague, so happy for you. :)

  2. Oh where Oh where is Ms. Beth I miss her soooo much!!! :(

  3. I wish I was not feel'n so.....?????

    1. stephani


      Pensive ? heehee , Frusterated , Tensed ?

    2. PlagueBubonic


      Nop try again thank you LOL!! ;)

  4. Happy TGIF !!! XD.. Wow another week flew past us ;) .... Hay! that's not a good thing :/

  5. Welcome to the TGGuide Ms. Vicki Thomas, I too thank you for sharing your story. I think you will find the neighbors' quite friendly around here... Please make yourself at home. Peace Out... =^.^=
  6. "I think their for I am" XD...LOL Who said that??? ;)

  7. Where Oh Where is Ms.Beth???? :( I'm still think of you girl!! ;)

  8. I still am missing Ms.Beth... :(

  9. I have problems...that keep fly'n out my butt...I wish they stop!! That XD

  10. OMG!! I'll never sleep again!!..I found out demons in your head rape you in your sleep! :/.. I know I have many demons...Bad!! Monkey!! ;)

  11. I forgot???.. Why am I'm here???

  12. Ms.Myralee, welcome to TGGuide well sug I'm glad to meet another proud TG woman. Thank you for the welcome to your blog; please feel free to brows the neighbor hood. Aslo, join in the discussions around the community.Ok than sug ..Peace Out...=^.^=
  13. The Demons are in my head!!!.. XD

  14. Dear: Ms.Alicia, I know your pain!! I have been dressing as woman for quite sometime now. My phychiatrist will not start me on HRT till I pass the one mark with her; even though I pass all the other health test. So, stay focused and strong ...Know this You are not alone in your struggle...Peace out!....=^.^=
  15. today is a good day to?????... you fill in the blank ;)

    1. Lori


      sleep in <yawn>

  16. I'm Going to keep my big mouth shut!! XD.. ;)

    1. Rhianonn


      Your mouth get you in trouble too? ;)

  17. Mischief is my NAME!!!!

    1. Lori


      Sweet Mischief :)

  18. I HATE!!!! MY Computer!!!! >.

  19. I think I'm get'n Blue :( Kinda

    1. Lori


      Those are the times when you do something special for yourself, like a nice bubble bath. Hope you're feeling better (and mischievious) :)

  20. Today I received a call from a trans center; the person on the phone invited me to a group meeting at 4:00pm to 6:00pm. I called them about a month and a half ago, and didnot here a thing till today, 2/6/2012. So I got ready<as best I could> and I drove over to the adderess I was given. I arrived a little before 4:00pm, about 10min early; So I desided to sit in my truck and see if I saw any other transfolkes. The reason I did this is, because I learned to be cautious as a serpent, yet mild as a dove.I also, know this area very well, and know it is a known hood for gang members; I grew up there. So I sat there ......I didnot see one Transperson; I said to myself, "if I see one of them I go in the building." I waited till the clock read 15 min past 4:00pm; all I did see was a family come out of the place, and many gang members go in; not one of them looked to be trans/nada!! So I left then I decided to right this experience down....Be Careful!! When you look for a center on line. Thats where I found this one, I didnot like the area...Call me a chicken, but I'm a live one!! This was nothing like the LGBT Center I belong to!! So in short I just don't want to read in the news paper about another transgender person getting hurt, or worse. I don't like anyone taking advantage of one of us. In my eyes if one of us gets hurt we all get hurt!! I really mean this; it's how I feel. Peace Out!!...>^.^<..and be smart & safe!!
  21. Ms. Alicia, I know how you kinda of feel about family rejection, and all. I totally agree with your statement, it's your life and only you can live it. You have my deepest sympathy about the loss of your folks. Good for you for comming out ...Keep up the hard fight on your transition! I feel your going to be just fine,sug....Peace Out..>^.^<
  22. Today is a good day to extra Mischievous!!. ;).. :D

  23. Ms.Beth my prayers are with you and your family.

  24. Apartment searching..Suck's :(

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