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  • Lori

    Transgender Bloggers Wanted: Share Your Journey

    By Lori

    Create your own blog at TGGuide.com. It's FREE and you can start right now. Some people blog as a sort of journal to share our thoughts, feelings, experiences and insights. Others blog to express opinions on social and political issues. Others blog to share their knowledge and experience with others. Go ahead. Express yourself! Others may be grappling with issues you blog about and your words could provide useful insight or answers. Here are some blog topic ideas to get your creative juices f

Dealing with law enforcement

I have was not always smart when going out in female mode in that I would wear clothing that the average female would not in a specific locale i.e. high heels and a short shirt when out for a stroll and would indeed draw attention to myself from all works of life in my younger days. From lots of reading on Internet forums it would appear I was not alone with these dressing habits. What turned me around was enlisting the service of a consultant that schooled me in how to dress and feel good about



Just wrote another song :)

I couldn't sleep last night, so I wrote a song, I'm going to post the lyrics, hope you like it I would love feedback, positive or negative Quasimodo Verse 1: Hide behind such a faux façade Do you know who you are? Have we pretend too long? Should I hide my face? Am I a big disgrace? Why should I conform to just fit in? I hurt no one I cause no harm I’m just trying to be who I know I am You’re so lucky that you get to be the person that you see in your reflection



My Introduction

Hello there, everyone. My name is Margot Kisiel. I'm going to just take the time here to introduce myself here before I take this blog in whatever direction it goes in. Hmmmmm,,,, where to start....? I think I'll start by identifying myself as pansexual and transgendered. I've known I was female from a really early age, I never felt male the least bit. When I would play video games with my little brother, I always gravitated towards female characters. Essentially, I found this to be an escape of



This one is for Ciara.... A girl who is in my...club.

Our first eating of GSA, I had everyone go around the room and introduce themselves. Your name, Major, Preferred Gender Pronoun and why they came to GSA. So I would say "Hey, My name’s Tyler, I’m your president. My Major is Education. My Preferred Gender Pronoun is He, His, and Him and I came to GSA originally, because i needed to get to know people like me, but now I’m here to lead and teach you and the community around us.” Apparently in the last… oh let me say 30 meetings she totally f



I guess I just wanted to rant.

So this is angering me. I'm honestly, contemplating not going back to my club next semester. I hate being the only one doing any work and when i make a suggestion like a trans awareness day, and my teacher suggests talking to parents about coming out as LGB, nobody really talks about the T, parents hear this over and over again... the ones that would attend this anyway. I feel like nobody cares. the only services my surrounding area offers is support groups. I want to inform more people. Everyti



i don't think I've ever been in such a neutral mood,.

Good things about today (this sort of trumps the bad things....) Most people at work still have a problem with pronouns..... Except for dan, who I've bonded with over joking about beating eachother up in the parking lot at 3 AM. He's the only one who manages to understand the pronoun thing.... Todays bad: After having writtena five page essay--- literary genius-- on Having gender neutral bathrooms on every college campus, My computer decides "Hey, let me makes your life harder because I



Today was the first time....

So, today was the first time in the last couple of years that someone called me sir. For a while I was like O.O WHAT? Then I was amazed. Apparently, recently I've been doing really well at passing, I bind during work since I only work 4 hours it doesn't cause too much damage and my coworkers accept me as tyler. Customers don't really say I'm a male or female they simply say "The one with the short hair" It makes me very happy that I'm doing well and starting to pass.... There was one downside



quick run down

a lot of things have been going on I have finally gotten to the end of the trial what's my former lover at shop at 12 times I'm involved with another man I'm bettering myself and no longer living as a victim I'm beginning to live more as a survivor I pray everyday and throughout the day that God lead guides and protects me



My Parents

I had always been glad to have the parents that I do. My mother has some problems with showing that she cares, but I know it could be so much worse then it is. On the other hand my father is such a great person. He grew up with a stay-at-home mother and a father in the Air Force. Their family is very conservitive and went to church on a weekly basis without fail. We've notice the hypocrisy that's come from our family. My father has been so supportive of me. I'm very lucky to have someone l



My Blog Introduction

Hello Folks! Well I've decided it would be to my benefit if I found some support for me as a transgender person. I've known that I was transgender since i was about 10 years old. I didn't exactly know the word but I had an idea I was different then the other little girls. But I couldn't bear the idea of not being the perfect little girl my grandmother wanted me to be. I do regret not telling her the truth before she passed away in 2010 of cancer. Regardless of the sad aspect of it I'm



ah oh

with the cold wether and other things sorry i have been adding any thing but still i am ok and getting ready for anther long yukon winter..........




here a list of my works it cover a lot gay lovers to sex change and even thing in beteew and you in big boobs we have that in here too it for evenone who is open mined and injoy stay.... the read my old strips 30 years of miss j and her friends are here



i hate

it's sunday night and nothng but crap on tv..... but thanks for you tube on nights like this and mush more video count down...i hope i get an idle for tommer stirp yes... it's anter sunday night here in the yukon




if any out there can tell how make my " man boobs" bigger with out going under the knife ?? plese tell me




but i do have a lot of fiends here that don't mine that am a trans a lot woman like me as one of there and if tell them that a was a man 95% of the time they don't beleve that i was...a man wait to be a woman



no night life

here in yukon we some night life .....some places to go.... but as trans it's a no no use you have someone to go with it ok but as for a trans it dangest to go a lone you will pick and a lot and done the day if you have a hard as nails skin a lot day time drunks will call you names and lot of name... the drunks up here hate trans with passon been gat they donk care unless kiss in the street then oh boy ..run;;;; and i am not jokeing if the diunk find out from others in this town you wiil c



1th post

this is my 1th post so bear with me as get used to bloging here it hard to be m>f up here in the yukon when beening a trans is like you age one for kind where getting help for even you needs to be a trans is " no where to seen" i am doing by myself with a bit of help wee bit only my friends that it no gov help if you need get a sex chage you need cash and lot of it



And now we have a short intermission........

When I wrote and posted "My journey into gender fluidity (part 2) I expected to be posting Part 3 fairly soon. As it is, I'm finding it quite hard to write. As I've said, these days I'm quite happy and content in my gender fluid identity but my journey here was difficult at times. I want and need to write about that journey but doing so, especially when writing about my early flirtations with "feeling like a girl", evokes memories of the transgressiveness, guilt and shame that I felt at the



My journey into gender fluidity (part two)

Hi It's taken me a while to get round to writing this description of my earliest experiment in cross dressing. In retrospect, I now see it as the earliest indication of my gender fluid identity but at the time I saw and understood myself as a boy. It started as a boy's curiosity about girls but it became a boy wondering what it felt like to be a girl. At that age, though, and for many years afterwards, I had no real concept of the true nature of what I was feeling and doing. I've checked t



Welcome to my life

Hi. Welcome to the wonderful world of my life. I hope you are sat comfortably. Please make sure your seats are in an upright position, tray tables are folded away and please keep your arm inside the vehicle at all times. If you scream, it means you want to go faster!!! This is my first blog on here, so a little about myself. I'm Amy, I'm 32, a transgender female. I have come out to my friends and family. My friends are amazing and supportive. My parents are supportive but I think struggle a



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