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  • Lori

    Transgender Bloggers Wanted: Share Your Journey

    By Lori

    Create your own blog at TGGuide.com. It's FREE and you can start right now. Some people blog as a sort of journal to share our thoughts, feelings, experiences and insights. Others blog to express opinions on social and political issues. Others blog to share their knowledge and experience with others. Go ahead. Express yourself! Others may be grappling with issues you blog about and your words could provide useful insight or answers. Here are some blog topic ideas to get your creative juices f

About me and realisations from my interactions with other transgender women.

Today I have realized that people of transgender experience need to quite being hateful to each other. How can we be taken serious if we can't get a long with one another? I am starting to believe that before people transition they should educate themselves on what it means to be transgender and think hard about if that is the reason they want to go through the transition. From the time I was 21 until I was 27, I did my research and because I did so as well as some soul searching, I came to t



Indie Recording Artist

The Music! OMG Where Do I Start? Long Story Short I've Dreamed Of Being An Entertainer Since I Was 10 Years Old. Dad Wouldn't Hear Of It, Mom Helped Me Dream It, And When I Was 28 I Received My Degree In Recording Engineering & Video Production. Now I'm Going For It! I Have My Little Home Studio Going On And I'm Putting Around 100 Songs To My Music. Granted Since I Love Hitting The Clubs, Most Of Them Are House Music And Dance Tracks! But I Have Other Styles Go Through My Head As Well



Survival Booklet

The Second Book That I'm Working On Is A Survival Booklet. Well It's A Booklet Size Now And I Want To Author It A Quick Simple Read. This One Struck Me One Night As I Was Thinking About Everything That I Go Through Just To Be Myself. From Depression, To Family Haters, To Passing 24/7, To Surviving On Dollars A Day! I Figured That I Can Help Someone Else With Their Journey By Sharing Mine. So Why Not Write About It? I'm So Sick And Tired Of The Way Tabloid/Gossip Talk Shows Portray The Tran




The First Book Is My Autobiography Where I Have Recorded My Life's Journey. After Being Terminated From My Last Job In January 2010, I Had Plenty Of Time To Reflect And Finally Get Everything Down On Paper. I'll Admit That I Was Burned Out By The Time I Finished The Rough Draft. It Made Quite An Impact On Me Because Through All Of That Writing I Genuinely Got To Know Me! I'm Working On The Second Draft Now And Hope To Have It Completed Before The Winter Is Over. It's Not Like I'm Going To E



Glad To Be Back!

I'm So Glad To Be Back! It's Been A Tough Few Months! I Am Writing My Autobiography, Survival Booklet, New Music And Behind The Scenes Material So I Have A Lot Of Exciting Projects Going On! The Books Are In Their Second Drafts. As Chapters Are Complete I'll Be Revealing Excerpts As Soon As Possible! Thanks So Much To All Of You Who Are Following My Personal Blog & Facebook Page! Your Support Is Greatly Appreciated And Will Never Go Unnoticed!



List: "Goods" and BADS of being Trans* as a teen/High school

Ok, I'm going to make a quick list of pros and cons of being Trans* in high school and as a teenager... Even though there really isn't anything good about being trans* Goods: - You get to educate people and make a difference. - You can pick your own name. - GSA for support. - Guidance counselors to talk to. Bads: -DYSPHORIA. -Getting the wrong pronouns. - Not being old enough for HRT. - Being called by your birth name on the first day of school... -Gym class.. -Locker rooms. -



Its not always easy.... Not even close

Febuary 7, 2013 So I don't know if anyone else here is still in high school but it is such a hard place to be when you are transgender. It's hard and very few people are there to support, if any. My experience in high school hasn't been easy at all. I feel like I'm alone. My GSA is helpful, but even there I don't really feel right. Everyone there identifies as Gay,Lesbian,Pansexual, or Bisexual. There is one other who identifies as trans, but i believe this is just to either get attentio




I know this is nothing to laugh about, but I really get a kick out of it. I just hope my luck doesn't ever run out, and some woman (or girl) goes screaming to someone that there's a man in the women's bathroom. Despite the occasional amusement, though, I try to avoid public rest rooms - especially when they are divided by the sexes. The aversion began a few years ago after I retired, when several factors all came into play in a short amount of time.   When I was still working, I didn't



seeing him

Tuesday my trail started with my ex that shot me... I saw him n felt mixed emotions.I hate him for what he did to me but on the other hand part of me will always love him. I have something from him no one else has part of his name... I just wanted to cry n i couldn't stand to look at him or even b n da same room with him... what's wrong with me y can't i get rid of tose feelings?




You either love or hate me.You call me ‘tranny’ ladyboy, shemale to mention just a few. I am one of those people who have risked and lost all by answering a call so deep perhaps even primeval certainly genetic, that it has confused even me. But I have embraced it with a conviction so solid, so passionate that not even the most wilting, derogatory ridicule and physical assaults on and against my person my every waking minute, from people of every strata and age in our society has not and will



It's been SOOOO long...

...since I made an entry or even visited this site. Things just got in the way. Updates After quitting my job in October 2011 I remained unemployed until October 2012. I have had by SRS at the end of November 2012 YAY!!!



The Soft Side

Hello to you dear reader and, I hope, after reading my blog you will consider me a friend or at the very least a fellow traveller. Let me begin by telling you why I decided to call my blog 'The Soft Side' I suppose it seems self evident that the soft side I am talking about is the feminine part of my personality which needs to be expressed, and to an extent you would be correct, the soft side is certainly that part which I cherish because I can associate it with the inner woman however, it is al



lissten to this

Ok today was a pretty gud day I've always looked feminine and all but today with the way im wearing my hair down thats it a lil longer everyone said that i looked a lot more like a lady. I had earings in n my makeup done...



family n tell them im gay n transgender

It was very hard for me to tell my family that im transgender n gay. Cause they have always spoken badly n negatively about gays. Well oneday i just could not take the lying to them any longer so i came out. Pink as always been my favorite color so i was dressed n all pink n i walked in the den where my family was sittin n talk and i said u know what im gay and transgender. Then i walked out the room n went out for a lil. When i got home thats when they were ready to talk so they had many questi



today so far

tod ay is a day that the Lord has made and I will make the best of it and pray for everyone i come in contact with that they are best and helped with whatever issues they may have...



fearing things u dont understand

I've noticed lately that people but really men fear n hate u n on u when they find out what u really r. This is for the people out there like that guess what we r all God's children n he loves us u dont have to accept us but u need not try to hurt us or make it hard for us... Thanks mya lynn



a crime done by my parnter to

This past Friday April 13 2012 my parnter of 4 long hard years shot me 12 times in Virginia. He had become very abusive and i wanted to brake up with him but he said he would rather kill me before he lets me go b with sumone else... He was straight until we started dating n have a relationship then people found out he was dating a transgender and they started callin him gay n other things...



Another call to Mom.

I won't be going into all the background here. You can find that in my previous entry, "Why I Told Mom" I'd been advised by my therapist that I should just wait for Mom to contact me. I'd followed that advice until this week. The day after Christmas, I called her to wish her happy holidays. That wasn't all we talked about. Near the end of the referenced entry, I described call the woman I thought was her best friend in the area. At the beginning of the new conversation, I asked Mom how she



This is who I am

"Somedays aren't yours at all. They come and go as if they're someone else's days. They come and leave you behind someone else's face." -Regina Spektor 9 months ago, I began exploring my gender on a public scale. I'd always been interested in it, and had explored it, but for a combination of factors, never explored it publicly. Long story short, I went to a GenderFuK back in March and since then have embraced that there is another side to me, and that it's ok to let it out. I did some writing



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