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  • Lori

    Transgender Bloggers Wanted: Share Your Journey

    By Lori

    Create your own blog at TGGuide.com. It's FREE and you can start right now. Some people blog as a sort of journal to share our thoughts, feelings, experiences and insights. Others blog to express opinions on social and political issues. Others blog to share their knowledge and experience with others. Go ahead. Express yourself! Others may be grappling with issues you blog about and your words could provide useful insight or answers. Here are some blog topic ideas to get your creative juices f

My First Post

Hello, my name is Myralee, an out and proud trans woman living in Kentucky! I want to welcome everyone to my blog. Please enjoy yourself and feel free to respond to my posts and have a conversation. I am open to any topic ideas as well. So once again, welcome.



I Want my HRT

I want my HRT really bad and the Dr says I can't have it yet because my kidney function is elevated and my liver enzymes are high, but my other Drs cleared me for the treatment and so I want the hormone treatment, I've had the blood tests to show where my testosterone levels and my estrogen levels were, now it's up to the Dr. :angry:



Fraudulent Transgender Centers

Today I received a call from a trans center; the person on the phone invited me to a group meeting at 4:00pm to 6:00pm. I called them about a month and a half ago, and didnot here a thing till today, 2/6/2012. So I got ready<as best I could> and I drove over to the adderess I was given. I arrived a little before 4:00pm, about 10min early; So I desided to sit in my truck and see if I saw any other transfolkes. The reason I did this is, because I learned to be cautious as a serpent, yet mil



sex life was a lie

im 45 born in 1966. from 1985 to 2009 my sex life was a lie....I had many female partners but the only way I could orgasm during intercourse was to pretend my penis was my vagina rubbing up against theirs. I stopped trying to get female sex partners the past couple years under those false pretenses and for that im happy but I also barely to never haven sex anymore. I love sex with women tho for other reasons related to being trans I guess and I also fantasize about having sex with straight men a



This is my story

My name is John , but I go by the name of Alicia because I am a male to female Transgender, tho my family never knew i was because i had to hide it most of my life, i had to grow up being a boy in my Dad's eyes, i had to play football, weightlifting, then my Dad got me into boxing and i was pretty good at that but i had to quit because i got three of my ribs broken, then when i was 18 I joined the US Navy but I got out because i could not adapt to military life. I always felt like a girl i guess



Getting Good With Myself ;)

I thought, because I dressed like a woman every day that ment I was becoming a woman.I was wrong. I will never be a real woman, and I know that now; yep thats right I'm a transwoman, and I proud to be one of the many! Never again will hide myself, because I'm embarrassed of myself, and the way I look. This took a lot time to come this realization, and I sure there is more to come. However this is a big step for me and my path toward to transwoman hood. I never want to fool anybody ever again



shareing together

hi everybody wherever you are love joy happeness be with with you all thisa is my first blog so i know i will make mistakes so plse forgive me if i do at this time im in transition and hrt in the hope that one dayi will be what i want to be its not easy is it for any of us we face lots of problems which we all have to overcome in our quest to be ourselfs i welcome all comments good or bad so please feel free to do so i look forward to talk with you in the future You know sometimes you have



Its been abit of a mad Christmas/New Year

First of all, sorry to anyone who has been following my blogs on here, but since September 2011 things have been in total upheaveal. Mid-November things came to a head at work, issues with my managers means I felt discriminated against, to the point that no matter what I did would never be enough. Anyway after talking it over with HR, and some fairly obvious threats of legal ramifications, they came up with a very nice severence settlement meaning I finished work immediatly, was paid in oui



Coming Along Well

Today I feel good...dressed as Karen and just doing stuff around my apartment ....enjoying watching the games too....having some problems posting a comment to my last blog so I say thanks to all who responded...also to michael I say we are fine tuning the worksheet each week to make it most useful to me and soon others. I wish all of u joy and peace (of mind and body). dont forget to follow me on twitter at twitter.com/dannyozark and if u do let me know u found out bout me on tgguide.com



Trans Worksheet

I am in the process of devising a really cool worksheet with my therapist to track and grade my efforts in my transformation process ...this is necessary bc left to my own devices I will procrastinate and mess up despite how I feel inside ...the goal is to become the CEO of me becoming Karen and I have to take responsibility and have accountability ... hope you all are doing well ...bye Karen



Help with those tricky personal documents

Ok lets get down to a few things First passports go to each and print off Fill in required fields on passport application first before you print it off Use info to help you support your request from your doctor Take required info and documents to local passport office Pay them , and wait for the new passport to show up . A. http://travel.state....tml#DS11Instruc B. http://travel.state....1/ds11_842.html C. https://pptform.stat...nline+%26+Print D. I



I Found My Happy

Well I just returned from the support group, and I can't believe it their just like me. I donot feel out of place there; just like I dont feel that way here at TGGuide. OMG!! Some of those women are so pretty, and than others are just like me..homely lol I mean average. ops-y They were talking I just kept my big trap shut.....and then one of the girls said," hay you have not said anything. Why?" I kinda pushed my hair in front of my face, and hung my head. I could not control myself....I start



Nervious & Excited

Tomorrow I'm going to my first support group meeting for transwomen; this is at 14:00 hours. I'm down right scared, I'm really shy around people untill I get to know you. <yep then you can't shut Plague up> I guess when I get nervous I play round a bit much. People are going to see me, and their going to think.... ? What a ugly..... ? Maybe not; I don't really know,but no matter what, I'm going! I cannot let what other's think of me worry me. I mean, I going out all over the place; as



Rule's Rule's Rule's

rules of the trangendered is not the same as the rule's of the rest for instincts if a transfem dresses fem he still has to use the mens restroom because he has both a male lisence and male orgains but why cant there be a unisex restroom every where for our kind there's a handycap restroom every where. If we get pulled over we have to give a given name rather than a name given to our sexuallity, I also know there are those who would take an unlawful advantage if it were so but if a diagnoses wer



Cleaning Out the Closet

Well what do I mean by the term, "cleaning out the closet" I mean the, "mental closet." This step is the most important one, that I found in my research, of how to transition from male to female. I remembered a lesson, I was tought by a student of Bruce Lee's; who I was being trained by. He tought me to try to achieve the "oneness" this is where a person lines themself up, Physicaly,mentaly, and spiritual.This is very important, when learning any of the marshal arts. So I trying to get in bala



Blessing Or Curse?

I read a article, Ms. Beth had posted in the forum. The story was about a transwoman, who looked at her change as a blessing. After, meditating on this thought I too look at it as a blessing because, it makes us unique ie different; we standout from the crowd. I always knew I was speical some how, but I just did not quite know how to express it; till I read that woman's story. She helped me to see we are all special! How we need to support each other, love each other, and be there for each oth



The End.

Yep, it is the end of the year; Wow! Am I glad it is over! What a year I had. I got into legal trouble, lost my house, trucks and have to pay $200,000.00 restitution; Oh yes can't forget 5 years probation, and you have to pay that bill too. I'm telling you, if this is not enough; then add the fact I have to live with in-laws for a while.... Pass the bullet! Please. At my age most people are look'n ahead to the golden years. I'm look'n for a box, a hole,and dirt! This year I also, decided to



Freak'n Out

The other day something happened to me? I just did'nt quite know how to take it? The reason is all my life I tryed to hide it. However, I cannot do that any more. I FREAK-OUT when I saw that my chest grew a lot! I guess I did notice it right a way? Now theres no hidding them I have girls now! I don't know if this has happend to someone eles ? I' mean I 'm not on hrt yet, and I not doing/taking anything to make them grow. I do take vitamins but that's it so, where did the girls come from???



I can measure up!!

I know this is not a positive post, I feel like putting a *** under my chin and........ Poof ...Vanish...Who would really care???? I could not measure up to my mothers expectation for being her little girl; which got me beat and thrown out of the house. I can not measure to my own expectations either. People tell me I'm a freak.. other people at church have called me he /she devil. I even feel that the demons in my head tell me, I can't measure up either. I guess this stems from looking in




To start with I would like to share a few thoughts about being a true Christian. There are many heresies out there but scripture says it must need be that there be heresies among you that those who are commended are made manifest. (loosely translated) When it comes to Christianity it swings from one end of the balance to the other. Some think if you have trouble in your life or you don't fit their little self made mold of what a Christian should be you are lost. I know this from experience




Really sometimes I believe that we get gifts in the form of people. These are very special gifts, and their one's to be cherished not exploited. Sometimes we don't see the gift that a person truly is; theres only one thing to say then, shame on us! Yes, it is true some people are very mean spirited; on the other hand, some people are very kind, and loving. Discerning, this quilty is it's up to us, the person receiving gift, to open it, to appreciate it, and most of all to take care of it, f



Caution..Don't read this!!

I'm mad as hell and I ain't going to take this CRAP!!!! I going to spew venom right now.....and it may upset you to read, so stop right here please. However this is how I feel and I need a place to release my frustration!!! What hell is wrong with medical system; everything has to have a dollar attached to it!!! They say, "I care" I say, "Bull S**T!!!" Ya right, if you are someone rich, or famous maybe than the conversation would be like this "O..O....O just have a seat and I'll listen to y



Learn to laugh >^.^<

Today I found it interesting I finally think I've gone crazy.....seriously!! I used to get so upset at people who would call me names. Today I was at the grocery store and these two guys called me a FAG!!!(sorry for the use of that word.) I didn't even look at them I just started to laugh......out loud......I didn't even care.. This is not my usual response. Usually I go off on somebody who called me anything. However, these two guys just stood there and than; one of them said,"what's so f



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