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Trans Workers UK

Trans Workers UK is a Facebook closed group that advances Trans rights in the UK workplace, I'm a member of the group and regularly advice is sought and given by trans workers on most aspects of being trans at work. However by far the most numerous postings are for trans who are still "in the closet" as far as work is concerned, who are wanting advice from those of us who are fully out in the workplace and in life. Most of these folk have come up against the societally conditioned old barrier, t



I aint a Cait fan...........

I watched I am Cait series 2 epsiode 1 last night, it's the first one that I've watched, it was shown on a TV channel called E, which I think is new to the UK. Anyway I had wanted to watch Caitlyn Jenner shows for quite a while but they were not shown in the UK until recently. The episode that I watched was some sort of road trip and seemed to centre around the grand canyon, she had a group of around 10 transgendered friends with her, but I just could not believe her attitude to hearing any poli



Unforseen knowledge

I have posted entries before regarding things that I did't see coming, added comments to others entries about hormones and consequently thinking differently. I have read (somewhere on the web) about the indigenous peoples of North America accepting trans people as twice blessed, and other cultures around the world having similar attitudes. It strikes me as strange that some of the religions around today, seem to have leading lights that refuse to accept trans people, and also villify us. Perhaps



Depressed with HM Government

I like many others, some not even in the UK, face changes of responsibility, although in my case not of demotion. Public sector employment in the UK is being decimated by the Conservative (tory) government, they are giving public service jobs to their private contractor mates, so far my job hasn't been privatised, but the implication of privatisation is that I have less to look after, due to whole sections leaving local government employment, thus making the Council that I work for smaller.  I'm



It's worthwhile complaining!

I received a letter from my Mortgage company that happens to be one of the UK high street banks, I was particularly annoyed to find that it was addressed to my old male identity, I thought that I had put all that behind me a year ago, when I took my Deed Poll cerificate into a local branch where they photocopied it. So I complained via telephone and couldn't get past someone reading from a flowchart, whilst they were sorry about what happened, they said that they hadn't received the copy of the



Trans Snorkelling

On Sunday with the assistance of my partner and friends, all of whom are ex SCUBA divers, we put on a snorkelling 'taster session' at one of the swimming pools in Birmingham. This happened at a private session hired from the City Council leisure dept, by Birmingham LGBT under the name of Moseley Shoals. Moseley is a suburb of Birmingham for those of you who don't know, and Moseley Shoals have been in place for quite a while. It only costs £4 a session to swim, after the first session which is fr



A poem

In my previous entry, I told of my Dutch/ NZ friends, I found a lovely poem written by them in the wrapping of one of their presents, it's just occurred to me to share it. Transition   Testosterone Steve Has taken his leave (Except when driving) Or possibly diving   Shakespeare said; To thine own self be true Wise words that rang a bell for you We know it took courage, faith and “front” (A bit like Kenny Everett’s Cupid Stunt)   What we see is a big hearted lady Who dares to be so,



My Christmas

Hope you all had a great Christmas, mine was quiet, but the following day we went out to get party food from the supermarkets, and on the 27th my partner and I held a party, it was manic preparation all day, and then my mother arrived late afternoon followed by friends who sorted out her Windows PC for her. My lovely partner cooked loads of party food all afternoon and made a fabulous Black Forest Gateau, she put quantities of Kirsch Wasser and de Kuyper Cherry Brandy in with the cherry filling



Trans And Gender non conforming Swimming Group (TAGS)

I have to admit I'm struggling with writing these entries at times.........my clutch seems to have an intermittent fault...............I just can't get my ass into gear sometimes. So, in my previous entry, I said I was looking forward to swimming in a Trans only swimming session, well it's also for gender non conforming people too, which I forgot to mention in my last entry. It went really well I enjoyed myself and swam 12 lengths of the pool straight off non-stop, this surprised me as I have ha



Wow, Breast Screening....

As I posted in my previous entry, it was my Birthgirlday yesterday. I recieved an unexpected confirmation of my new femininity, but I was unsure about what to do with it. I had received a letter from the Local NHS Trust giving me an appointment for breast screening. I was unsure whether or not to accept it, because I thought that maybe it was dependent upon the age of the breast tissues, and with mine being very young, they might not have needed a mammogram. So I phoned the Screening Service and




Well, it's exactly a year to the day since I changed my name and became a full - time Eve begining my RLE. It's hard to believe that I haven't appeared as male in all that time, and all the things I've done and places I've been as Eve. Physical development too, especially facial features, I look in the mirror now and know that I don't look like a bloke anymore - hurray that was one of my greatest fears. I don't worry about passing anymore, I don't worry if someone realises that I'm trans either,




I went into Birmingham's Jewellery Quarter this morning with my Mom who has a small jewellery business, so we went into a trade only wholesaler's where we were looked after by 3 very nice ladies. I wanted a new bracelet or bangle to replace two that have recently broken, now my wrists are fairly large by female standards, and the normal 7.5" bracelets will fit but they're not loose, so I was after 8" bracelets, which I asked for, one of the Ladies then said "oh ladies Bracelets are usually 7.5""



Another long walk......

Went out for another long walk in the Severn Valley countryside on Sunday with my friend Sharon, we'd done walks along the valley a couple of times previously, but this time we parked my car two thirds of the way from Bewdley to Arley at a place Called Trimpley just above the reservoirs. we walked down the valley side to cross the preserved steam railway and then walked alongside the reservoirs, under the historic Victorai rail bridge along the river side to Arley where we crossed the river and



A bump in the road,

It's been 3 weeks since I last consumed alcohol, I've not really missed it, except for a couple of glasses of red wine with the Sunday roast or Saturday evening fillet steak with roast mediteranean veg. It's surprised me really because I loved drinking proper English cider, especially the Herefordshire varieties, but it's been easier than I thought it'd be to go without. Why would I want to apparently give up drinking alcohol? On my last visit to ChX GIC I saw Dr James Barrett (Psychiatrist), wh



A bump in the road

It's been 3 weeks since I last consumed alcohol, I've not really missed it, except for a couple of glasses of red wine with the Sunday roast or Saturday evening fillet steak with roast mediteranean veg. It's surprised me really because I loved drinking proper English cider, especially the Herefordshire varieties, but it's been easier than I thought it'd be to go without. Why would I want to apparently give up drinking alcohol? On my last visit to ChX GIC I saw Dr James Barrett (Psychiatrist), wh



Looking back from a different place

Recently for me, there seems to be new ways of looking at things, from a very much different place than was previously the case. After reading Karen Paynes recent entry "Haloween" where she looked back a year or so ago, it sparked my thoughts about the past, dressing and early transition. I thought about those who, like I did, like to wear female clothes around the house, wearing skirts and dresses, or leggings and tops, with outrageously high heeled shoes. This was part of my earliest practical



Get your head around HRT

I'd always wanted a pair of nice boobs for as long as I could remember, I used to imagine what it'd be like to have boobs, what it'd feel like with my nipples placed out much further from my ribs than they used to be. Then when I came out as transvestite, dressing part-time, I used to long to be more feminine, and that really started me off with hormones, way before any sane person would have advised anybody to, so yes I self medded. I wanted as much feminisation as possible, to enable me to "pa



Ooh la bra

Following on from my previous entry whilst on holiday, we had a day out in southern Belgium, now most towns in the Ardennes have a castle, a church, a river, and a WW2 Tank (normally a US Sherman, although Houfalize has a German Panther but no castle!). La Roche en Ardenne must be a more important town than most as it has two tanks - a British Achilles Mk10 tank destroyer and a US Sherman, it's where UK and US forces met when pushing back the Germans during the Battle of the Bulge.  But an even



2 Weeks in Luxembourg

I've been sooo busy just recently, preparing for hols and also cramming in work, then going on Holiday to Luxembourg via the Channel Tunnel with our Land Rover and Caravan, stopping overnight in Northern France then driving through Belgium to Esch sur Sure where we spent just under two weeks. When we got back I had to attend a Charing Cross GIC appointment yesterday after catching up with two weeks worth of work e-mails, and then today again busy all day at work...............it's a hard life !



Out and about

I've been a mix of stuck and lazy recently......stuck for something inspiring to post here and too lazy to push myself.............to enter much. Trouble is that life as Eve is so normal now, I just don't think beforehand about doing things and worrying if I pass or not. I just get on with it, of course you never know if you pass or not, no trans girl is 100% sure, if you ask you most definately won't pass! we refer to this as Schrödinger's pass! I don't need him or his pass anymore! However I'v



A testing day out

I have recently purchased some new outdoors / country boots, because they are so much more stylish than my old walking boots which although are pretty unisex looking were none-the-less bloke boots - ughh. So these new boots are Dublin River Boots, they're almost knee length to within an inch (25mm aprx), they were advertised as waterproof and breathable with other desireable qualities too, I think they were originally for horse riding but are also advertised as leisure / country boots. So Sunday



Female Intuition?

Following on immediately from my previous entry regarding paint, which I should have posted  3-4 days ago. I think I might have developed a sixth sense, this is completely contrary to what some of my friends inform me, that they didn't think I had any sense at all! However I've digressed, apologies, over the last 8 months or so I have had feelings predicting things happening, starting with the thoughts that I needed to buy National Lottery tickets because I'd win, I did and yes I have won small



The paint's dried

In my previous entry I said goodbye, fully thinking that would be the case. A few fellow members have asked me to reconsider, and to be honest, after a week or so I did feel that I had "painted myself into a corner", I now feel that the paint has sufficiently dried to allow myself out, and continue with my entries. So apologies to anyone annoyed at this! Cheers, Eve




I've made the decision to stop blogging on this site, there are two reasons for this the first is I have run out of things to say that have any real trans relevance, because living life as a trans woman has become so normal after my transition 8 months ago and taking oestrogen for over two and a half years. The second reason is, I suspect that many UK trans issues are different from within the US where most of the site membership seems to belong to. This is evidenced by the lack of comments and



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