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Lori's Blog

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Transgender Bloggers Wanted: Share Your Journey



Create your own blog at TGGuide.com. It's FREE and you can start right now. Some people blog as a sort of journal to share our thoughts, feelings, experiences and insights. Others blog to express opinions on social and political issues. Others blog to share their knowledge and experience with others. Go ahead. Express yourself! Others may be grappling with issues you blog about and your words could provide useful insight or answers.

Here are some blog topic ideas to get your creative juices flowing;

  • A daily journal about your life and experiences
  • A journal documenting when you go full time
  • A journal to document your gender reassignment surgery
  • Dating experiences and tips
  • Crossdressing tips
  • Experience with makeup
  • Passing in public
  • Your experiences when you go out in public
  • Restroom experiences
  • Transitioning at work
  • Dealing with counselors or medical personnel
  • Introspection about your particular gender identity
  • Dealing with or overcoming self-limiting beliefs
  • Dealing with addictions
  • Dealing with self-destructive behaviors
  • Interactions with police or government workers
  • Changing your drivers license, birth certificate, etc.
  • Applying for jobs
  • Your big day, when you go full time
  • Hormonal development (please don't discuss dosages or make medical type recommendations)
  • Experiences with electrolysis
  • How other members of your new gender react to you, and your experiences
  • Your recommendations to others about to follow your path
  • Your thoughts about whether surgery is necessary to be your desired gender
  • Differences in how you feel dressed or not dressed
  • What your life would be like if you still repressed your inner identity
  • Poetry or prose

These are a few ideas to get you started. Feel free to leave comments to suggest your own ideas, or just start a blog and share with everyone.

Just log into your control panel to start your own blog. This could be interesting!


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Today I found out that I lost a very special person in my life. We all knew her and I miss her so much already. Her names is Tracy A. She was the only one who truly knew me for who I am. Even though she and I never met she was so special to me. She was the daughter that I never had and a best friend who I loved so much.

She had confied in me her most precious things and had asked so many qustions and wanted so many answers about life and the things to expect. God why do we have to lose the ones so dear to us so soon. She was only 22 and was killed by drunk driver. I can only say this I hope she understands how much she is missed by me and those who knew her. Tracy my friend I love you and have always been your friend.

Thank You for being my friend. All my my kindest and deepest emotions.

Tracy N.

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Dear Ms. emttracy you are a very rich woman!

Know why to have had a friend like Tracy in your life.I 'm deeply sorry for your loss. I apologize for not seeing this post quicker, and responding.

Hope I don't bring up a sad moument.

maybe you have room in your heart for a new special friend???

Best wishes

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Great ideas...I will prob write everyday life from an SO....and our dual life. ( her choice not mine) Right now I am going through lots of STUFF but will come back to this.( Blog)

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I found this site at just the right time! I have started a blog and I hope you enjoy it. I am just starting out on my transformation, so I need lots of advice and support, and hopefully you will find my blog as a source of support, as well.


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Hi, Lori! I also already have a blog also. I am writing my story, and want to support the significant others (wives, girlfriends/boyfriends, family members, parents, children, friends, co-workers, etc.) as well as, the TS. Questions, concerns are welcome.

Can find me at http://jackanddianestories.blogspot.com/

Welcome to the discussion!!

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Everyday passes I feel more comfortable in my transformed gender yet confident but I don't think surgery is required. I am working to develop to keep both genders yet switching back & forth. But currently working on how to live for 150 years as cds' r & ways to extend ones physical life ! On YouTube check Shazy Jeo channel

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Hi Lori,

I'm intrigued by the idea of starting a blog here but I'm not sure I can tell what I need to do. I cannot find something called "control panel" but looked at all the sub-menus offered for me, and cannot find a place such as "start your own blog" or something. Am I just missing something obvious?

Thank you,


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My mom has opened me as her other Daught. and told the rest of the family accept and get on with life. My friends all are so open and been the back bone seeing me along the ad f who and what I am. I now nedto let my twitter friends so my change.Plese help me do that a bit scared.


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