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Deep waters

Many times in my past life it was difficult or nearly impossible to find common ground to convey concepts and feelings to others without a conundrum in and of itself. Things change but the world in all its vastness stays small and elusive to these matters. This is where those who are members here can find common ground and try or do make sense of the issues, emotions and trials we endure. We touch each other sometime out in the open while other times silently and deep. In my own way try and invoke thought but also stay out of the dark waters yet elude to the fact caution is needed in somethings. And with that said I feel that there are some who believe their journey can be achieved through hopes and magic but you and I know that is not the case.

We need to go to the deepest parts of our desires and rattle that cage and ask deep questions for without doing so we invite doom into the picture and that leads to very bad places where no one should have to go for leaving on one’s own accord may never happen outside of depression or worst.

What do I mean by dark waters? It’s a bunch of little things that when combined together turns from being a ripple to a tidal wave. There are consequences for one who cross dresses or changing one’s gender that if one does not do the research may be in for the tidal wave. A consequences we all think about is “what happens if someone caught me dressed in the opposite gender” or you changed gender in mid-life and now for lack of a better phrase “a teenager again” learning things that might take years for someone to learn growing up and now one thought before the gender change it would be easy yet I know some who did not prepare beforehand. I was lucky to had done research and had gender coaches who helped me before going under the knife.

Hopefully those who read this will take something out of these ramblings to heart and take time to flush out everything else in your head and focus on the matter of gender. Ask yourself “Who am I”, “Is my current path logical and sound”, “how will the decisions I make today affect me ten years down the road” or “how will indecision affect me ten years down the road”. Then take that ten years and change it to “the rest of my natural life”. Be honest with yourself.

More times than I can count I spent time with myself and ask many questions over and over again until a solution was at hand and even laying on the table in the operating room I had no reservations because all my known issues had answers. Now with that said I would be lying to you saying I knew it all, nobody does so there are still some dark spots that have appeared to me but took time to overcome them.

One last thing on dark waters. I grandchild ask his grandfather, what did you do in the war? Grand dad give the child a story that the child can understand and does not go into gory details or even that he soiled his pants (commonly known to soldiers as a battle crap) before going into battle. That is where I am coming from with gender reassignment surgery, myself or others generally do not go into all the details but there are some teenagers out there on youtube that will openly tell viewers that "if I had known" this would happen afterwards I would had thought twice about GRS.

So do the chat with yourself and get your ducks lined up before moving forward.


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Sound advice, Karen, thanks. I certainly face many questions and the answers elude, especially as I'm in a fully committed relationship. She's catching up in her own understanding and acceptance (which I must have patience for) and hopefully we will meet in a place where I'm happy and she is too.

I asked my gender therapist in our last meeting what actions/steps she might suggest I take to figure this out. Her metaphor is that we are on a Transgender Train with many stations along the way. We're free to get off and experience that neighborhood and get back on the train at will, to either retreat or move forward. Her advice? Continue my own research, attending her moderated support group, and unpacking my own psychological baggage with my therapist (whom she has talked to).

I think we all move at our own pace. In some ways, sure, we'd like "it all to be over and done with" as soon as possible. But like they say, it's the journey not the destination. Without the journey one cannot fully appreciate the destination or know if they packed the right clothes.


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Ronnie Virga



I understand. Well said and good advice. I can remember the exact time and date that I died. I had a deluxe cheeseburger and a large coke to celebrate with all the other dead people I met that day! My life has been a wild ride ever since ! :) And I have to say you are 100% correct. Sometimes the best way to know ones self is just to let go! ;)


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Yeah, that's good advice I think as well, Veronica. I'm holding tight to the side of the swimming pool, afraid at times of getting water up my nose. :-)

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Karen, one thing that impressed me was that you were having ongoing dialogue with face to face friends and TGGuide members right up until going under the knife, and for that matter, as soon as you woke up, and continuing non-stop, which is the best way to live life!

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Ronnie Virga



To quote you,

"Yeah, that's good advice I think as well, Veronica. I'm holding tight to the side of the swimming pool, afraid at times of getting water up my nose. :-)"

Just remember Emma,if you do decide to let go, we mammals automatically hold our breath. And at this pool, there are lot's of life guards! ;)

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