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Female talk

My mother called last night for chit-chat and to my surprise we got into a discussion about sex. Should I be surprised? Well before transitioning she would never talk about this subject but now its fair game. I have mentioned this before, before transitioning my mother and other females would never broach the subject about many female things and now it is the complete opposite.

Speaking to cisgender females is an entirely new ballgame, especially with my mother and my best female friend. Men have no clue to what females talk about and wonder if they think we are talking about. Personally, in the beginning I would listen more than talk but now I am getting into joining in as others prompt me too, guess they got tired of me not talking and just listening :)


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Karen, in my opinion, mothers and daughters feel more comfortable talking about sex, just as father and sons prefer to talk to each other about sex. Interestingly, women will talk to other women about sex, just as men talk to other men about sex.

Think over time, your mother will treat you more and more like the daughter you are to her.


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I think we should challenge binaries like this. Some transgender folk like myself aren't male or female and are excluded in so many binary exclusive spaces. It's led to a lot of stigma about my own sexuality because neither parent was ever comfortable talking to me about sex and gender. Parents, regardless of gender, should speak openly and confidently about sex to their children, regardless of their children's gender.

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I certainly never felt comfortable talking to either of my parents about sex. :-)

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Ronnie Virga



Your courage never ceases to impress me! :) I'm glad I've only had the one talk about sex with my kids I needed to, which was "DO NOT F*%! this up". I know they happy with they're gender and they're selves. They seem well educated and are inlusive and tolerant. I'm glad I don't have to worry them in they're personal lives. They seem to maintain agood balance.

The funny thing about "girl" talk? Yeah. I know what girls talk about. I must say I enjoy it immensely.


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I'm with Emma, I can't imagine ever talking with either of my parents about sex, but then I grew up in a VERY waspy family, nothing emotional or physical was ever discussed.

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Reading the replies for one reason or another reminded me of a moment last year after I told my best female friend about transitioning she would not only talk about female parts but openly show them too me and this has nothing to do with her coming on to me. She was the one who took my first vagina picture and after complimenting on it said I don't need to see it again laugh out loud. And you know full well that men generally don't compare their penises, maybe say something like it's this long but don't pull it out while it appears from my experiences females are a little different.

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Some of my guy friends are surprised when I tell them that I talk about sex with my mother. I definitely agree that mothers and daughters talk more freely about it. My mother is my best friend too:)))

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