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I've made the decision to stop blogging on this site, there are two reasons for this the first is I have run out of things to say that have any real trans relevance, because living life as a trans woman has become so normal after my transition 8 months ago and taking oestrogen for over two and a half years. The second reason is, I suspect that many UK trans issues are different from within the US where most of the site membership seems to belong to. This is evidenced by the lack of comments and likes from some quarters to my comments and blog entries, this lends a rather parochial appearance in my eyes. To those of you who who do not fit that description, I am sorry to be leaving, and I'll miss you.



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I'm sorry to see you go!  I've enjoyed reading your entries, though I know I don't always comment (I'm rather hot and cold about that in general, I often feel like I'm so early in my own transition that I wouldn't have anything useful to add).

I wish you the best!



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I am sure UK are somewhat different then the US counter-parts and can see this point. I wish you have a very happy life and take care,

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Im also sorry to hear you're leaving but I fully understand. I've also been much less active lately. 

For me, I never felt any difference about you being in the UK, nor for that matter, anything other than another sweet regular member and contributor. I know what you mean, though, that it's nice to receive feedback and exchange with others. 

I also wish you the very best. But also know that you're always welcome back, anytime, for as much or as little as you wish.

Warm hugs,


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Hey Eve.

Will be sad to see you go. Pop by often to say hello though :)



Charl <3 

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Dear Eve.,

Thanks to you, I have learned the commonalities and differences between the U.S. and Great Britain and Europe, in general and when it comes to TLGB issues.  

If it is any comfort to you, lately I have seen few or none comments to my blog posts, as well as that of others, both U.S.-based and from overseas.

The moderators here are working hard to make TGGuide a kinder, gentler and more supportive website.  

Please check back occasionally to see if we make progress, hopefully we will make it worthwhile for you to return.

Your friend,


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Posted (edited)

To all of you, thank-you for your kind words, I have always thought of you as kindred spirits and friends, I also never ever had any misgivings about nationalities, and will miss you all, I will look in every now again, if any of you want to stay in touch please feel free to send me a message.

With a lump in my throat, so long,



Edited by eveannessant
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Dear Eve,

Lately, I have found many new members from overseas who are "sticking."

Perhaps give it a little more time?

Your friend,


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Dear Eve,

Just also wanted to let you know that many transwomen, once they transitioned, consider themselves WOMEN, and are ready to assimilate into the community at large.  Have noticed this also with LGB's once they have won the right to marry (but many don't know the fight for their rights have just begun . . . employers in many states can still fire, landlords can still evict, and adoption agencies can still refuse adoption, over sexual orientation.  

Agree with you that some of the foreigners were being given the cold shoulder, but feel there has been recent improvements.

Also agree with you, especially in Great Britain, that transgender people get more government support, especially medical, and the U.S. needs to catch up!  TLGB rights in the U.S. is amazingly very uneven from state to state!

Please allow me to sincerely thank you for your contributions to TGGuide, and I want you to know new comers will be grateful for what you have to say, because information, even over time, often remains valid.

Your friend,


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Posted (edited)

Ok, I'm thinking about it, after having painted myself into a corner.................!........I'm not so sure that we get much more support from Government than you do, remember we have a Tory Government, usually that means paying lip service to any laws or services that they don't like or really approve of. NHS, yes well, we all have to pay automatcally in taxes and National Insurance contributions automatically deducted from our pay packets for whatever medical treatments that are required by anyone. Deductions at source amount to aproximately a third of our gross pay, so treatment is not free.

Perhaps a voluntary insurance scheme which includes Gender Identity issues done on a mutual non-profit making basis would be a good answer for countries without an NHS, except that many folk don't realise that they have these issues until later in life, and so likely wouldn't have made any contributions. But isn't this the case for heart attack, stroke, appendicitis or any other illness? If you have equality laws how do the medical insurance companies dodge them? Does someone need to start a campaign?



Edited by eveannessant
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That is the big drawback with voluntary systems, when you're in your 20s you assume you'll never have any problems, so people don't want to contribute.  Beyond that it's a matter of rationing - I recall when Bill Clinton was President and he and Hillary were working on their failed health care plan so many people I know would argue that we don't want health care rationed, as if it wasn't already!

Obamacare at least improved on that by adding penalties for people who don't join, but I'd still much rather have a single-payer system.

Then again I strongly believe that capitalism itself it a complete failure and want to see it scrapped - so I don't see my wish list coming along anytime soon.



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Posted (edited)

Christie you're a gem! who'd have believed (outside of the US) an American saying that! To be honest it's dawned on me over the last 18 months or so that capitalism is failing. To my mind it's because it's gone too far, it seems as if we need to go back or forward to a mixed economy, but one that is in synch with other countries in the "western world", no single country can do it alone (however I suppose one must try and lead).

Mixed economy? one where the infrastructure of a nation supports both free enterprise and society at large. Infrastructure? public transport, utilities, defence, legal system*, health, & social services. Free Enterprise? the rest, surely there's enough scope there for those who want follow free enterprise, and progress society with technological advances, I'd hate to stop people from doing that, in fact although I'm somewhat democractic socialist in my beliefs, I admire free enterprise when it's not spoon fed with easy government contracts for public services.

Take care my friend,

Eve x


Edited by eveannessant
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Maybe I'll have to edit and change the title to good night instead of good bye.

Anyway it's late here, I've had too much cote du rhone, and so I'll bid you all good night my friends or bon nuit, mes amis.


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Eve, Hiya. Steph53 here. I Am in the UK, and used the old Chat-Room, but Moved, over here just a Few Week's Ago.  I have read some of Your Posts, even though, (with 3 Special Needs Children), I sadly, have Not had a Chance to comment, on Your Posts. I Came-Out, as Transsexual, just over 15 Week's Ago, and I Am Going down the route of MtoF Transitioning. I Started Fully, Full-Time, Female-Dressing, the Day after I Came-Out !  I can tell You Eve, that I Do Not see things becoming any easier, under the Conservative Government, for Us Transsexual's; Transgender's; Etc.  I Hope that Life is Good for You, as a Post-Op. TS. Good on You Sweetheart.  If You Do leave TGGuide, I think it Would be Very Sad. You are A Very Interesting, and Lovely Lady. (By the way, I Am in Aylesbury, in Buckinghamshire, in the UK) !  Eve, I Hope that the Future is Great for You,,and May You Be Truly Happy, Honey.  Take Care, and Best Wishes, Stephanie. xoxo



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The paint that I used to trap myself in a corner seems to have dried!  

I'll post in the next couple of days.

Stephanie, thanks for your comment, however I am not post-op yet.


Eve, oxo

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Hiya Eve. I Noticed on Your Profile, that You are From Birmingham. With Me being in Aylesbury, it is West Midlands, and South Midlands, so We are Not far away from each other.  Sorry, I thought You were Post-Op. I Do Hope I Haven't Offended You Sweetie. That was Not Something I would want to do. Enjoy the Weekend Eve, and I hope We Speak Soon Love. Thanks for replying to Me . Take Care Eve, and Best Wishes, Stephanie. xoxo


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