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Great now there is a Bree problem in the mix.

So as some of you know i sort of went on an obsessive research binge to understand transgenderism in general and specific to what is needed to make my marriage successful.  Only what isn't showing is that I'm still almost obsessively researching the social aspects of this.  And I do mean almost obsessionally.  And my friend M asked me why I'm stuck in this, and things gestalted.  I have a huge problem in this marriage that has nothing to do with Nikki's transgenderism, but is being triggered by it. 

Nikki never has my back in a conflict situation.  I'm always on my own.  I hate conflict every bit as deeply as he does, and i get physically sick from it, and terrified and spirally.  Whenever Nikki gets into a conflict situation, I always have his back and am right there as his first line of defense if it's an untrue or misunderstood issue, or give him space to work with this information if Nikki is in the wrong.  I've never left him alone on the hook, and he's been clear he never wants me to.  And I never really consciously realized it, I couldn't figure out what was wrong in our marriage prior to this coming out, and why the increased closeness and working things out wasn't <b>fixing</b> me in the thought it would.  And why I was so hung up on him throwing me under the bus in our talk with L on an issue i"d worked really hard to correct before any of this came out and was making a lot of strides, and when I explained my problem with Nikki saying now, she basically put it on me that i ask for to much.  So that amkes sense, whenever I ask something from Nikki, he says no.  EVERY single time.  And then does it.  Now, I have no gauge when no MEANS no.  Nikki got angry with me if I accepted no and tried to do it myself or went to do something else if I was asking him to do an activity with me, and he got angry with me if didn't accept no because i literally can't tell anymore.  When L asked what other issues were being worked on, and I brought that up, she brought up I ask him to do many things for me and that I was blaming him somehow when I as trying to express that I am literally confused about what NO means based on his behaviors.  And I said I don't think that was what was going on but I"d work on it, and he literally said nothing until she asked the next qustion, and I let it go because that's what I always do.   But the more I was doing for myself, the less I was feeling in a marriage because I was still on my own when it was hard and not being taken care of in a physical sense to substitute for it.  I know, substitution is never a healthy thing in something like this.  Nikki has been working really hard on that because h'es realizing I've lost my guage and I don't take it in a flirty way, and has been cosciously stopping that.  That helps tremendously with that problem.

It took a bit to gestalt, but I'm substituting the emotional feelings of 'he cares' when he does something for me to cover the realization that I'm on my own when things aren't pleasant and happy.  And how much I really hate knowing that.  When I asked him about not mentioning to L that I had realized that on my own and worked to get it under control, was he misleading me that I had have great success?  He replied no, he was just uncomfortable with arguing with her.  If he can't say to one of his bets freinds "She's worked really hard on that, it's not part of my thinking it's cute to say no every time she asks for something and confusing her and not hearing that she doesn't find it cute" how can I ever expect him to have my back with my ongoing issues wtih my parents, or in a new social setting like bars and nightclubs while he's dressed? 

This forum has been beautiful, but some weren't.  Some were really clear to me that I"m just collateral damage or baggage, or that I'm now allowed to have needs or am shallow for thinking that bodies matter and if I love/find him sexually attractive as a male I should automatically be able to do so as a female.   I can choose to pick a forum where I can connect with people emotionally and learn from that interaction in a positive way.  But in a face to face situation I don't really know how to not just want to cry and feel ashamed of being me.  And Nikki honestly admitted I would be on my own.  I don't know what to DO with all this.  He said he'll try to work on it like I have with his new needs, but it's all so confusing.  It tangles up in my head with how does someone value you if they are only really there when it's easy or when the difficulty is on their side and they need you? 

This is a godawful time to come to this realization too.   Nikki will be home soon and wants to talk about this and I don't even know how to verbalize any of this.  That's why I wrote it down, maybe he'll just agree to read it and then ask me questions so that I can get some sort of internal sense of direction and what I actually WANT to make this better.  I don't even know what is realistic and fair to ask for.


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Hiya Briannah. You Do Not have Any reason, to be ashamed of being You. If it is of any help, I do Understand A.D.D. We have 3 Young Son's, who are All on The Autistic Spectrum, in varying degrees, and the middle one, has more A.D.H.D. ( Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ; than Autism. So living with that everyday, I do have some understanding Bree. I think You are doing the right thing, by writing in this Forum. You need to talk, and You have done really well, doing All the research, that You have already. Briannah, We are here for You and Nikki.    ( Never think that You are on Your own ! ). Briannah, Good Health, Take Care, And My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xx 

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I agree completely with Steff. I don't have time right now to write much. I agree with your idea to print out your post and share it with Nikki. What better way to break the ice on such an important conversation? The important thing is to concentrate on your feelings, not so much on what you think Nikki should or should not do. Let her realize the depth of your feelings and see if you can both think of ways to adapt and cope.



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I had Nikki read my blog and then I word vomited incoherently at him and answered questions.  Nikki fully agreed he can't tell between Bree is in full control of this crap and Bree is drowning and needs protection.   So we have a I need a breather or time out safe word for the new changes, which I'm proud to report I have not needed, so if I'm in a situation I need to visually and emotionally see that he's got my back I can 'mango' and he'll get involved.  I honestly didn't even know what was wrong with me inside until the right conversations about Nikki came together with the external stimulus in the right way to have an Ah Ha moment.  Just knowing one word and I won't be alone eases the fear response to let me help him help me.  You guys are such wonderful friends and really help me when I'm lost.  Thank you!   I'm nowhere near as strong as even Nikki thought.  I just learned to refuse to give the world the satisfaction.  You are all helping me sort through these. Things so that I can really can be a shinier healthier Bree to better support my Nikki. :)


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bree,so much of your focus has been on nikki and meeting nikki's needs and that makes sense at the very beginning of the initial revelation. now, though, there has to be a place for both you meeting your needs and each other's on an ongoing basis, so I'm glad you're finding your voice or word to help you in that. that's sort of a second phase now with the new or changing nikki who has never been openly in a relationship to learn to share, not just feelings but understanding of you and your needs, and new for you to deal with that entity or aspect while staying true to yourself too. I think you are doing wonderfully in that incredibly challenging process which draws so heavily on every form of communication.

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Thank you so much Blue.  I think I just accepted the dynamic over the years that this is what is with us that I never really had occasion to question my increasing issue in the marriage.  Sometimes I"m remarkably not in touch with myself.   But him rising up past his comfort zones to come to my rescue when I need it is so huge to me.  I have an amazing spouse.  I really do. 

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