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I aint a Cait fan...........

I watched I am Cait series 2 epsiode 1 last night, it's the first one that I've watched, it was shown on a TV channel called E, which I think is new to the UK. Anyway I had wanted to watch Caitlyn Jenner shows for quite a while but they were not shown in the UK until recently.

The episode that I watched was some sort of road trip and seemed to centre around the grand canyon, she had a group of around 10 transgendered friends with her, but I just could not believe her attitude to hearing any political views other than her own. The debate seemed to spring up after one of the group read out news about transgendered people being stopped from using the correct toilets by republican politicians and religious people. Caitlyn seemed to think it was the correct thing to do !!!! She also slagged off democrat politicians too. Please keep her in the US, I really don't want her over here, even if she has placed trans issues in the public eye, not supporting going to the correct toilet is bad for all of us, and sends out a totally wrong message. 

US political party's seem to bear great similarities to ours, although admittedly not identical. In a similar fashion over here it's easy for those rich people (born with a silver spoon in their mouths or just good at ripping people off? - few have gotten rich by being hard working and fair at the same time) to vote for issues that benefit themselves, they've never been anything other than rich or lived on easy street's gravy train. It was our Labour party over here who gave UK LGBT people most all of our present rights, the conservative party have done very little for us other than same sex marriage in some churches where the vicar (or whatever equivalent devil dodger in some other branches of the church) isn't anti-everything other straight heterosexual  partnerships.

Anyway, I won't be watching Caitlyn Jenner again...............





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I admit to watching it but for the following reasons. First, can't remember her name, think it's Candis, she is hot. Second reason, to watch Canit make a fool at herself as in my mind still is working with a male brain rather than a female brain. The show is what it is, something for people to watch and criticize, at least that is how I see it.

I record it and watch a segment then pause, go away, come back etc. 

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There were a couple of really hot trans girls on the show, and they were sensible too............Canit, I like it!


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I don't really care for Cait either. I dont enjoy having having a cup of coffee with someone who has such extreme views that are polar opposite mine. Worse, I can tell that she is so narcissistic that she would be more into hearing herself speak than having a conversation. But.

I am a Democrat. I do firmly believe in free use of toilets for all, as well as freedom for trans and anyone to do, be, or present as they please. So, for Caitlyn Jenner, a highly visible and avowed Republican to come out the way she has is, in my opinion, good for us. Her presence creates discourse, even among conservatives like her. In some ways she is putting us on the map. But.

Like Eve, I have no interest in watching her shows, reading articles about her, or (probably) buying books about her. 


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More thinking on this. Let's say that Cait was a staunch Democrat. A very public believer in all that we believe in too. Imagine then how the Republicans would react to her. "Here we go again, another trans liberal wanting us to change our minds about what we know is right." They'd dismiss her.

As it is, though, they can't deny her. She is one of them. 

Another brick in the wall, torn down. I rather like that!

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This is similar to the social dynamics in my freinds group, when one of the group goes wildly against the rest of the groups deeply held sense of right and wrong.  We have one girl that truly believes in the old fashioned submit to her husband at all times lifestyle, and it drives the rest of the group crazy.  And then it gets kinda ugly sometimes, when the more extreme feminists start talking about what a problem she is and how they have to do something to fix her, instead of recognizing her as a person who believes in and legitmately a different lifestyle and place in the world than the rest of us, several of whom legitimately feel threatened by her lifestyle because they feel it will derail equality for them because women like her are out there.  I like it so much better when its' a tv personality I can turn off and not be in the middle of this mess!  LOL

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Yes Emma, I did think about that, I 'spose that really it's left versus right wing politics just the same as it is in the UK, no matter what your gender or sexuality is. Except the toilet issue thing, which is unforgivable. Very glad that you're Democrat, I think it's fairly obvious to all that I'm a Labour party member.

Briannah, it was pretty much exactly as you describe on the show. I don't really care what anyone else's political beliefs are, as long as they don't impinge on others, the toilet issue does though, & I guess the others in the group expected Cait to be trans before Republican, which if she was, she would have complained bitterly about not being able to use the female toilets, no matter that she's Republican.

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Yeah it just reminded me how similar it is and what a social mess I'm in currently.  :)

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I watched season 1 because I felt like I should, but I decided as that season ended that I wouldn't watch it again (and apparently I'm not alone, ratings are WAY down from last year).

The comment I heard that she made that shocked me was that she thought she could be an ambassador for Ted Cruz to the transgender community. I don't think either side wants that!!!

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Still no clue to who you all are talking about........but i get asked about that person all time and get funny looks when i say who is that  ,  i am a bit old school i don't watch much tv  maybe a one show if that  on the history channel ,  from i am seeing diffently a show i would not watch.

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