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To smile or not to smile is the question

Hi there everyone


Its not about being optimistic or pessimistic, it about the way my smile and looks are putting me in hot water at times.


I've come to realize that some of my male friends are now also hitting on me, because I've got a perky happy face 90% of the time if not more.  Now they are becoming like horny dogs after my ass too.  Is this a culmination of my smile, facial expression, ass and boobs or just men being like a pack of horny dogs in heat season???


With the unknown factor, the unknown men...  That will offer me gifts at an intersection I had to stop.  Start talking to me and saying how much they love me, while just seeing me walking down the street and smiling at them.


Should my smile or body freak me out, because I'm not opening myself up to all these horny bugger's.  Or should I embrace the power it gives over men and women in the open field of life.


I've decided that flirtation with a beautiful soul, okay sometimes a gorgeous hunk is all that I need to continue with my perfect smile.but therein lies the fault, not all hunks have beautiful souls.


So do I smile and get all the beauty that comes with it, or do I think of all horny screwed up persons that bring along flustered situations???


Now let me say this, I won't give up smiling and letting my soul trickle through for everyone to see, buy I'm also not incapable of switching to my dragon face that bites off unwanted attention in a flash.


Remember, be safe out there.  Walk in pairs and tell a friend where you are gong if you are going alone.  Oh and I should learn to practice what I preach.










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Hiya Michele. You Darling Girl have got a Gorgeous Smile, with a Very Pretty Face. You have also got lovely shiny white teeth. Michele, I know that You Are able to look after Yourself, but Sweetheart, Please Take Care. Michele, there are some Horny B@#£%&s out there, and You do Do need to be very careful. With Transitioning Myself, I have learnt to be Extra Vigilant, about My Own Safety, and also I Do care, about My Friend's, and You Are one of My Friend's, here. Michele, You Are a Very Beautiful, Pretty, Young Lady, and Your Safety Does Matter. It Is okay to smile sweetly at People, but, You don't know what half of Them, are Actually like. Michele, Your Photograph's are Lovely, and You have got Lovely Hazel Brown Eyes as well. Michele, Take Care Honey, And My Very Best Wishes, Love Stephanie. xxxx 

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What a beautiful sentiment.  Just hoped I could smile my way past some of the idiots in the world.






Dear Michele,

You have a BEAUTIFUL smile, both open (you have beautiful teeth!) and closed (Mona Lisa style).

Please do not let disrespectful people have that kind of control over you.  This is a reflection on THEM, not you!

You are a very pretty woman, and you look even prettier with both an open and closed smile.

A smile means that a person is friendly.

Please note women do smile more than men.

Also, I asked a friend of mine who is a dentist if men have larger size teeth than women.  He told me that men and women have the same size teeth.  He is an excellent dentist with many decades of practice, so he should know.  So, the size of your teeth will not give away you were born in a man's body.

Looking forward to seeing more of your smiling face around here at TGGuide!

Yours truly,


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