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Let there be??????

Hi there


I'm smiling at the thought of me saying, let there be... First thing that comes to mind is ,"Light". But which light will I be referring too? Light as in truth, or the perfect way forward. But the more I think about it, the answer slips me... What I've come to find is, my week was filled with conversation with either men I personally know or have just met on Facebook. Yes, I sometimes accept request from total strangers. In the hope that not all men are dogs or think a pair of tits makes you an idiot and a gullable girl.


The one wants to get back together and I know it's the worst idea in the world. Because the man he is, isn't all bad or all good. He is a manipulative man, that thinks he is never wrong and only wants his way. And when he does something wrong, all the blame for him doing it comes directed towards you, because you called him out on it. Thinking that emotional manipulation makes everything right. And no, I don't like or want to be emotionally blackmailed. Therefore I am lucky in a sense that even while sick, I can think in my feet and let him no, I don't want to see him, it is a bad idea and that we are bad together as a couple. We work much better to just chat with each other as our worlds doesn't attract meteors to crash into us causing disaster above disaster. And after I told him his final NO on Saturday, all radio silence was initiated again. And this from a man that was trying to get into my bed.


Idiotic antidote number 2. Yes, this unknown man starts off chatting to me and telling me how beautiful I am and how I am God sent for him after losing his wife in a car accident and having a daughter that is 18years old. The more we chatted the more disillusioned and detached he seems from reality. According to him, he is this successful engineer that is working on an oil rig in South Africa, and would love to marry me as we are soulmates, destined to get married, and would move to California where we would live happily ever after in a house that he build for his wife and himself.  And the beginning of this week, of which I'm sceptic already. Did I say I have difficulty in trusting men! And then he says we one and his bank account is overdrawn and needs finances to continue with his project and it would mean so much to him that he can finish on time. Bull twang!!! Told him, I don't know him and my finances is mine, of which I don't know if I can trust him or not. He continued with his messaging to attempt and convince me into parting with my money and possibly even my life. Yes, I know of serial killers that used the friends cards with how much they love you to draw you in and because of your gender, sexuality, or perceived looks can trigger their psycho side.


Well out of some of the conversations I am having, there are guys that looks at me as a sexual objectobject (or do they think I'm a prostitute for quick sex), and others that finds me intellectually stimulating as well as a looker. The only question I would have is, "Do these men actually go through my profile that says I'm a transgender female, and nothing in the world is going to change that. Because if the fight comes my way or known to me which is discriminatory against gender or sexuality, I will step in and fight in that war." Or are they just looking at my face (profile picture) as those are the only two things visible on my Facebook before I accept any friend request. Well, I am grateful that I am a visible transgender female that stand for human rights and the equality that we all deserve.


Hugs, respect, freedom, equality and my looks.

Bid you goodnight for now.

Michele J Heynes


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Hiya Michele. How Are You ? Okay, I Hope ! You are So Very Sensible, in Being so cautious. Yout are a Very Pretty, Beautiful Young Lady. You like Me, are Transitioning, and We should be aware of Our Own Safety. I have a Dormant account ( in My old identity; ), on FaceLESSbook, and the only time, that I will Ever go back to it, Will be to close it down !! Michele, I have every Ounce of Respect for You, and I have read All Your blog's, that I have been able to ! I have learnt a lot from Yourself, and Other's, here on TGGuide. Michele, I Am so Glad that You have seen through the Idiot's. You DO Deserve to find Someone Really Decent. It Will happen one day. I Am very Careful where I go, and how I get there ! Michele, Take Care Of Yourself Honey. With My Very Best Wishes, Love Stephanie. xxxx 

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Yeah, stop talking to that guy.  It's a classic variation of the Nigerian scam.  Smart move to tell him no!

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Hi there Stephanie and Briannah


Before I usually take or give advice, I would think what I would tell others to do.  I think I get some of my wisdom from being the youngest cousin on my mom's side of the family and one of the youngest from my dad's side.  And I have almost 40 years of experience to delve into with either responses I loved or loathed so much, that I vowed to follow the good and keep the bad as a reference of what not to do.  And I knew from my beginning I am transgender and that gives me different struggles, which I have to deal with as a whole or go down without ever understanding or accepting life as it is.




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Hi Veronica


You might think that it's only men, but my inbox is filled with all genders.  And I truly hope I'm not that frosty, because it seems to me I'm heating up some libidos there.




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